You Should Never Try These 6 Diets

In the abundance of diets you can choose the wrong one. Of these 6 weight loss methods, you should better keep your hands off!

Cabbage soup diet

With the cabbage soup diet, you eat only cabbage soup for at least one week. A whole five kilos should fall during this period, as cabbage has a purifying effect. The problem is that this crash diet is highly one-sided and leaves out essential nutrients. You lose weight in the short term, but you lose muscle mass rather than fat deposits. Yo-yo effect is inevitable!

Air diet

Admittedly, the air diet is really the most senseless form of losing weight at all. How does it work? Quite simply: You only smell the food, but the food never ends up in your mouth. Yummie … air! We think: This form of weight loss is not only devoid of any logic, it also leads you to an eating disorder as quickly as possible. So: Better stay away!

Baby food diet

Just because Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon sell baby food as their personal secret slimming tip doesn’t mean this diet works. On the contrary! Adults are not adequately supplied with baby food – their stomachs and intestines become sluggish in the long run because they have nothing to do. Avoiding dairy products also endangers the calcium balance, which is important for healthy bones.

Asthma spray diet

The asthma inhaler diet proves to be a similar air number. What’s that? With this weight loss method, you inhale asthma inhaler, even if you are not asthmatic. The sprays are designed to increase fat burning by raising the body temperature. Hot tip: Don’t do it! Asthma sprays have massive side effects, especially at high doses. For example, users get headaches, palpitations or cardiac rhythm disturbances – in extreme cases this can even have fatal consequences.

Werewolf Diet

Whoever tries the werewolf diet should probably have a penchant for spiritualism. Because: followers of this weight loss method are guided by specific moon phases, which are supposed to help flush toxins from the body. In the 24 hours before the new or full moon only water, unsweetened tea or vegetable juices are drunk. During the waning moon phase, only low-calorie, healthy meals are served. In the waxing moon phase there is only half. We think: The whole thing is pure superstition, but healthy in any case.

Cookie Diet

Cookies all the time – sounds too good to be true. But if you think of the delicious chocolate or nut cookies, you are way off track. These cookies, which help you lose weight, are super cookies rich in protein and fibre. They replace meals and provide just under 600 calories a day. Besides a potential eating disorder, this diet definitely brings one thing: the yo-yo effect.

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