You Should Eat These 5 Foods If You Want to Get Pregnant!

You want to get pregnant, but just can’t? Maybe it’s because you’re on the wrong diet. The following 5 foods have an influence on your fertility.

1. Broccoli

Broccoli has the property of boosting your own fertility. The green vegetable helps the body to rid itself of toxins that may have been the reason for an unfulfilled desire for children. The power vegetable also contains the B-vitamin folic acid, which is very important before and during pregnancy. Why? Because folic acid promotes the production of the female sex hormone oestrogen – and thus also the ability to conceive.

2. Fish

Salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel provide your body with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on your fertility. The fatty acids support the blood circulation, from which the entire organism benefits. By the way: If you don’t like fish, you can also go for almonds, walnuts, linseeds or pumpkin seeds.

3. Milk products

Milk, yoghurt, cheese and cream support fertility, while light products have a rather negative effect on it. As the “Nurses Health Study” from Harvard has shown, ice cream should be the best way to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Only two portions per week increase the readiness to conceive. Well, if that’s not cause for celebration!

4. Lemons

Anyone planning a baby should eat lots of fruit and vegetables – especially vitamin C. Because this ensures an intact immune system and a better sperm quality for the man. So this is where men should also reach for more citrus fruits. But vitamin E is also important for fertility, because it helps the egg cell to settle in the womb.

5. Wholemeal products

Often couples who have difficulty conceiving a child have a low zinc and magnesium deficiency. Buckwheat contains both and also plenty of vitamin B. Rutin, a component of buckwheat, promotes blood circulation, which in turn brings oxygen and nutrients to the cells – including those in the reproductive organs.

Of course, there is much more to becoming pregnant than just a healthy diet. But you can lay the foundation for a healthy pregnancy by following these steps. The right time is also important, of course.

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