You Should Absolutely Avoid These 6 Mistakes During Exercise!

Who regularly does exercise, promotes his health and well-being? Not necessarily. Only if you avoid the following 6 mistakes, the training will have positive effects on your body.

1. The training is too one-sided

You want a flat stomach and focus your training exactly on this aspect? A classic beginner’s mistake! Better is a holistic muscle and endurance training to address not only certain parts but all muscle groups. Women, for example, tend to pay too little attention to the chest and back. Not a good idea, because back and posture problems can be the result.

2. Bad posture

The posture during your training is elementary for your health. A hollow back, hunchback or raised shoulders are quickly done and reduce the effectiveness of the training exercises. So: It is best to always do the body check before you start your exercise: Does it look right? Do I have the right posture? To be sure, you can simply look in the mirror – or ask a trainer.

3. Too much speed at the beginning

Also a classic mistake of sporty beginners – to start training too fast. Your body needs 20 minutes to get going. So, at the beginning, dare to approach the unusual exercises slowly. Otherwise you might injure yourself. And besides, you want to improve slowly but surely, don’t you?

4. Jerky movements

The be-all and end-all of training is the clean execution of the exercises. For example, if you are handling dumbbells or other training equipment, you must ensure that the movements are performed smoothly and quietly. In general: Exhale when exerting, inhale when leaving behind. The more jerky your movements are, the greater the risk of injury and the more your technique suffers.

5. Training too hard

A lot doesn’t always have to help a lot. So remember not to make your training too hard. Take training breaks and make sure that your body has at least a one-day break between the intervals. Otherwise, your body will react by releasing stress hormones, which will damage the muscle tissue.

6. Ignoring sore sore muscles

You think your sore muscles are a good sign to move on cheerfully? Better not. Because aching muscles is a warning sign of your body! The muscle fibres are injured and need to be cured – so take a break from training. You should train moderately when you are pleasantly exhausted after the sport.

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