Why You Shouldn’t Drain The Liquid Off Your Yogurt

Do you sometimes ask yourself what this white liquid on your yoghurt is actually good for? We solve the mystery…

Who doesn’t know them? That white liquid on yogurt that makes some people disgusted. Some people pour the liquid away for this reason, others stir it into the yoghurt. But which is actually better – stirring or pouring it away? And why is this water even in your yoghurt or quark cup?

Where does the yoghurt liquid come from?

The liquid that catches your eye when you open the yoghurt is milk serum – the water content within the milk. How does the serum get into the packaging? It is deposited on the surface of the yoghurt during storage, a normal process. This happens more often with a firm yoghurt than with a creamy yoghurt.

Important for you to know: The milk serum contains lots of minerals, vitamins and proteins. The combination has a particularly positive effect on the human body, especially the intestines. It is therefore always better to stir the liquid into the yoghurt than to pour it out. This way you get an extra load of healthy ingredients. Bon appetite.

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