Why a Banana Peel Can Help Against Migraine

Millions of people regularly suffer from migraine attacks. If you don’t want to fill yourself up with painkillers, you should give this home remedy a chance …

People who suffer from migraines often know only one thing to do – and automatically take medication that can stop the pulsating pain in the head. Unfortunately, however, pain-relieving tablets often have unpleasant side effects, such as hitting the stomach. We introduce you to a home remedy that can help against nausea, tension and headaches.

Banana peel for the pain

Did you know that banana peels can help against the throbbing in the skull? Put a banana skin on your forehead and place a cold compress over it. This, combined with the cooling effect, will help your skin absorb an extra portion of potassium, which will have a positive effect on your overall sensation.

By the way: banana peels not only help against headaches, but also against constipation. The reason: the banana peel contains a lot of fibre and allows the digestive tract to work as it should. In this case, however, you have to eat the peel in the form of a banana shake – and that takes some effort.

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