What Helps Against Ants? The Best Home Remedies

Ants can be so tough and unyielding that many have already come to terms with them. But there is hope. We betray: What helps ants?

What’s good for ants: In the house

  • Smell: Ants are not a fan of lemons and cucumbers at all. The smell drives them away. The best thing is to rub the lemon peel on the ground and leave the peel for a while. While we humans are attracted by the smell, these animals run away.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar is probably the all-rounder par excellence as a household remedy. By the way, for your health you can drink cider vinegar. Ants generally don’t like foods that have a strong inherent odor. You can spray vinegar or vinegar diluted with water directly onto an ant trail. This will cause the ant trail to dissolve, because the vinegar will make the ants lose their orientation.
  • Cinnamon powder: Cinnamon powder also has a strong smell, which you can use to effectively fight any ant nest. The essential oil has an even more intensive effect.

What’s good for ants: In the garden

  • Lavender and thyme: Herbal plants are also not very popular with ants. Especially in the garden, you can plant the herbs or lay out branches so that no ant nest is formed.
  • Wrap up sweet food: Ants love sweet things. But if you don’t want to attract ants in the first place and then get rid of them, avoid open fruit such as watermelons, grapes and fruit juices when you picnic in the garden. Keep them in closed cans and do not leave them just lying around. Otherwise the next ant trail is only a matter of time…
  • Barriers: If you are in the garden, for example, you can put the table legs in water containers (or flower pots), as ants will not cross water. Alternatively, you can use chalk to delimit your territory, as ants do not cross it either.

What’s good for ants: So you can prevent!

  • Waste: Garbage should be kept in closed containers and emptied regularly.
  • Ant trail: You can trace ants back to their nest and find out to which food source in the house or garden they are attracted. You should then eliminate this source.
  • Gravel: Ants like to build their nest under slabs in front of the house and in the garden. Use gravel instead of sand on the slabs.

What’s good for ants: Watch out with baking soda!

Baking powder and baker’s yeast have proven to be effective means against an ant trail. However, you should be aware that the animals die in a very painful way when they eat the baking powder. Therefore, it is better to use the above mentioned home remedies for house and garden.

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