What Are Pregnant Women not Allowed to Eat?

There are many myths surrounding nutrition during pregnancy. What should pregnant women not eat? We’ll tell you.


Since nutrition has an influence on the development of your baby, you should at least follow a few basic rules. This article focuses on the things you should not eat during pregnancy. You can read about what diet is recommended during pregnancy here.

First of all, you should avoid alcohol and cigarettes during pregnancy, as they can have negative consequences for the baby.

Avoid toxoplasmosis and listeriosis

Which foods harm my child? This is a question that all pregnant women ask themselves. A potential infection with toxoplasmosis or listeriosis is the reason why you should avoid certain foods. The bacteria in these infections are not particularly dangerous, but they can get into the placenta and harm the baby. Salmonella, on the other hand, can make pregnant women very vulnerable and complicate the pregnancy.

Tips on what is taboo now

  • Raw meat or fish: Especially raw sausage, ham, salami or tartar should be omitted from the diet due to the risk of toxoplasmosis. Raw fish, e.g. in sushi, provides a target for listeria. Also avoid raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs.
  • Smoked meat or fish: There is an increased risk of germs in smoked food.
  • Processed fruit and vegetables: For example, you should not buy fruit and vegetables pre-packed, as they may contain bacteria. Plastic packaging is also a good breeding ground for the pathogens. Make sure that you wash every food carefully before eating it.
  • Coumarin: Spices like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom or cloves contain coumarin. In larger quantities there is a risk of a contraction-promoting effect.
  • Raw or untreated dairy products: Milk should only be consumed in the heated version. Soft cheeses such as brie, gorgonzola or mozzarella are made from raw milk and are therefore not good for your baby, as you can catch infections such as salmonella, listeria or tuberculosis, which can cause brain damage to the child.

These foods only in moderation

  • Caffeine
  • Wild mushrooms
  • White flour products
  • Soft drinks
  • Prepared dishes
  • Sweets

To ensure that your child gets all the nutrients it needs, a completely vegan diet is not recommended during pregnancy. As a vegan you should therefore consult your doctor closely and have intensive monitoring during pregnancy.

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