Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that occurs with forgetfulness as the age gets older, experiences problems in situations such as memory and speech, and causes problems such as not being able to apply the requirements of daily life.

Alzheimer’s, an irreversible and progressive disease, is popularly known as dementia. There is impaired brain function. Problems arise in the patient’s thinking. Alzheimer’s is a serious disease. Symptoms can lead to death 7-8 years after being seen.

Nowadays, in parallel with the increase in population, prolongation of life and increase in the elderly population, the incidence of AD, which is the most common type of dementia, is inevitable. Therefore, keeping the body mass index within the normal range throughout life, especially during the aging process, and transforming healthy eating into lifestyle are of great importance in reducing the risk of AD. Elderly individuals, especially those who want to be protected from AD, need to increase their intake of omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenol-containing foods and antioxidant vitamins. Implementation of the Mediterranean-type nutrition model is also important in terms of reducing symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease in individuals with AD as well as helping to prevent AD.

Apple Juice

Apple juice, which increases the production of “acetylcholine” in the brain, was determined to increase recall speed and accuracy in research. This substance in apple juice is also found in Aricept, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s. Therefore consume 1 apple a day or for apple juice!


An expert on diabetes has determined that eating cinnamon strengthens weak and ineffective insulin. Because 80 million Americans have insulin resistance. Recent research has shown that cinnamon can stop the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, add cinnamon to your food and drinks. Half and one teaspoon of cinnamon is enough for many people. You can also take cinnamon as water-soluble as a food supplement.


Coffee, once considered unhealthy, is now used as a tonic for aging the brain. It plays an active role in daunting various chronic diseases that promote Alzheimer’s. In the research, men and women who drink 3-5 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 65 percent was observed.

Mediterranean Type Nutrition (Mediterranean Diet)

Green leafy vegetables and olive oil will keep you away from Alzheimer’s. Mediterranean Diet protects the brain from memory decline and dementia. Therefore, to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s by half, eat green leafy vegetables, fish, fruits, hard-shelled foods, legumes.

Reduce Sugar

Too much sugar makes Alzheimer’s plaques in the brain. You must reduce all types of sugar. Avoid sugary soft drinks. A 330ml tin box can contains 8 teaspoons of sugar. Instead drink freshly squeezed juice, sugar-free iced tea or water.

Take a Walk

Walking will calm your mind and improve your short-term memory. Research at the University of Michigan, walking on a tree-lined road short-term memory was determined to increase by 20 percent. The benefits of walking do not change if one walks in the heat of summer or cold in winter.

As well as all of this, You should also pay attention to the following;

  • If you smoke, you should stop smoking and using tobacco products.
  • Excess weight increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. If you have excess weight, dieting with a dietitian to lose weight, it will be useful to protect you against alzheimera.
  • Being under constant stress raises a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s at a significant level. Therefore, get rid of psychological stress and get help from the necessary experts.
  • If you are using alcohol, do not consume alcohol too much and at frequent intervals. If alcohol is used at high doses and at frequent intervals, it can cause brain damage.

Finally, sleeping on an average of 7 hours every day will contribute to your protection against alzheimera.

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