Water Fasting: How Healthy is It for The Body?

Water fasting is considered to be the original form of fasting and soon lets the pounds fall heavily – but how healthy is it to drink only water for days on end?

How does water fasting work?

The principle of water fasting is simple: As the name suggests, only water is drunk over a certain period of time – and at least three litres of it a day! A fasting cure should not last longer than five days, experienced fasters may fast for up to two weeks. Very important: As with every fasting cure, it is also important to talk to a doctor beforehand and clarify whether your physical condition allows you to fast.

The procedure of a water fasting cure

  • The water fasting is heralded with the so-called relief days. This means that for three days only food that relieves the digestion is on the menu: fruit, vegetables and rice.
  • The first day of the fasting cure we start with a complete bowel evacuation – we will reveal how this works in our 12-day therapeutic fasting program.
  • During the fasting days at least three litres of water are drunk each day – this can be still water or tap water, preferably lukewarm. Carbonated mineral water or healing water should be avoided!
  • With the build-up days, the intestine is accustomed to solid food again. Breaking the fast is considered as the most important component of a whole fasting cure: The intestine is accustomed again to food and the foundation-stone for a new nourishing way or nourishing conversion can be put.
  • As with every fasting cure, the accompanying programme is also very important: plenty of fresh air, relaxing sports units such as yoga or Pilates are ideal and support the body in flushing out harmful substances and stimulating the metabolism.

Is it healthy to drink only water for days on end?

We do not bear any physical damage from a fasting cure. Accompanying symptoms such as the absence of the period, tiredness or headaches can occur, but they are known and can be part of the “detoxification crisis” – which (according to many reports) is followed by a spiritual upswing or real bursts of energy. Cures such as the alkaline fasting or Buchinger fasting can be easier for first-time fasters, as not only water is drunk here.

Many experts claim that the intestine does not need any cleansing or cures like detoxification at all. It has not yet been fully researched scientifically that so-called “waste products” actually occur in the body and that we are not able to permanently flush out all harmful substances. However, let us not forget that fasting has its origins in many religions, where the cleansing of our spirit is the main focus – and it is at least as important as the intestines.

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