Watch TV and Become More Beautiful in The Process

It sounds wonderful: Lounging on the sofa, watching TV and doing something for your beauty at the same time? With these eight beauty tricks it works by the way.

1. Mask time

Throw in the new season of your favorite series and apply a face mask. Non-woven masks are super practical so that you don’t have to get up again and rush to the bathroom to wash up. They work like this: Take the mask out of the pack, place it on your face and press the mask on lightly. Leave to take effect and remove the rest with a cosmetic tissue. Ready is the Hollywood beauty!

2. Everything is a question of attitude

The “Susi” (elementary school German for super seat) can also be practiced on the armchair and sofa. Sit up straight, pull in your stomach and pull your shoulders back – this sitting position trains the back muscles and gives us a more beautiful posture. Anyone who buckles over time because the thriller is so exciting remembers to correct their posture during the commercial breaks.

3. Drink tea

Green tea has long played a major role in our anti-aging program. Because it contains antioxidants that can smooth out fine lines and should strengthen the gums. The ‘Matscha’ variety contains most of the antioxidants, while ‘Bancha’ is good to drink in the evening. White tea is also a beautifier: it contains flavonoids that support the skin by tightening it and stimulating elastin and collagen in the connective tissue of the skin.

4. Beautiful arms

Slipping in a little arm training every now and then has a lot to offer: The “Propeller” exercise improves posture and trains the shoulders. This is how it works: stretch your arms out to the sides, press your shoulder blades together at the back, palms down and then draw small circles – first circle backwards, then forwards.

5. Nibble on almonds

Now it’s time to relax again: And it’s best not to nibble potato chips, but dark chocolate with almonds. Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect and thus protects against skin aging caused by free radicals. Dark chocolate contains flavonol, which is said to smooth the skin.

6. Mini Ayurveda

Oil pulling has been celebrated as an Ayurvedic miracle cure for centuries. Studies show that (provided that it is done at least 20 minutes a day) it kills tooth decay bacteria, relieves gum inflammation and helps against bad breath.

This is how it works: You need a high-quality cold-pressed oil, such as sunflower, olive or coconut oil. Put a teaspoon of it in your mouth and pull the oil through your mouth for about 20 minutes. Important: Then spit out the oil with the toxins and wash out your mouth with warm water.

7. Nail care

Nail care in front of the television can become a weekly ritual. Our tip for filing: Glass files are suitable for healthy and soft nails: With their roughened but otherwise smooth surface, they gently bring the nail into shape. The first step is the rough side, which is filed from the sides to the middle. Then go over the nails with the fine side. Important: Always file in one direction only – otherwise the nails can splinter. If you feel like it, varnish and seal your fingernails.

8. Facial gymnastics

You can do these exercises perfectly while watching TV in private. Because facial gymnastics is supposed to stimulate the blood circulation of the skin and thus tighten the skin. One exercise for a smoother forehead is this one: Place the fingers of both hands crosswise on the forehead. Then pull the eyebrows and eyelids upwards against the resistance of the fingers. Hold the tension for 6-10 seconds and let it go.

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