Washing a Down Jacket: The Right Way

Down jackets are wonderfully warm – but also delicate. Caution is required when washing. Here you can find out how to wash your down jacket.

Down jackets bring us wonderfully warm through the winter. With the right care we can also enjoy them for a very long time. Here are a few tips on how to wash your down jacket without damaging the sensitive filling.

Washing a Down Jacket: Beforehand

  • As down is very sensitive to moisture, you should only wash your down jacket when absolutely necessary. For harmless stains and dirt you can first test whether they can already be wiped off with a damp cloth or sponge and some detergent.
  • Regular airing on a hanger helps against bad smells.

Washing a down jacket: The right way

  • If this does not help any more, a machine wash or hand wash is recommended. As a rule, down jackets can nowadays be washed in the washing machine without hesitation. However, it should have a capacity of at least six litres. For smaller appliances you should fall back on the good old hand wash. The jacket must be able to move freely in the drum to prevent the down feathers from being compressed. For this reason, you should always wash down jackets individually and not add any other textiles. On the other hand, if you wash a down duvet, you may have to go to a launderette.
  • If you have to wash your down jacket, check it thoroughly for cracks and small holes – just as you would wash a down pillow. Even the slightest damage to the outer material can tear further during machine washing and, in the worst case, the down will spread in your washing machine.
  • Empty all pockets, close all zips and velcro fasteners so that they cannot damage the fabric during the washing process, and turn the jacket inside out.
  • Use a special down detergent. Conventional heavy-duty detergents contain active ingredients that break down proteins. This is efficient for stain removal but not suitable for down jackets, as a down feather itself is made up of proteins and can be severely damaged. Down detergents are gentle to the down and some can even impregnate the jacket directly. We have more tips on washing powder.
  • Never use fabric softener when washing a down jacket! The chemical softener can make the down stick together.
  • Wash the jacket at 30 degrees in the fine or wool program with subsequent gentle spin cycle. At more than 400 revolutions the stalks of the down can break. To ensure that the washing agent is completely washed out, an additional rinse cycle is recommended.

Washing a down jacket: Dry properly

  • Freshly washed, you must not hang the jacket up to dry under any circumstances! This can cause the down to slide down and clump together. Furthermore, the drying process in the air takes too long. The persistent moisture can damage the down feathers and also promote clumping.
  • The best choice for drying a down jacket is the dryer. In this way the down dries quickly and thoroughly without leaving any residual moisture behind.
  • Choose an average temperature of 40 degrees or less. Too much heat can damage a down. Also, the drying process should not take longer than an hour. After 20 to 30 minutes you can switch off for a short time, take the jacket out and shake it up.
  • In order to prevent lumping in the dryer, the IKW (Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel) recommends adding two tennis balls to the drying chamber. As “dryer balls” the tennis balls ensure that the down does not stick together. During the rotary movement in the dryer, the tennis balls “knock” the down jacket properly and loosen the down. The tennis balls must of course be new and clean and must not stain.
  • When the jacket has cooled down, you should check it for residual moisture and repeat the drying process if necessary.
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