Tinted Day Cream: Sensible Make-up Replacement?

Tinted day cream is not undisputed. What advantages it offers and how you use it, you can find out here.

Tinted day cream: Advantages

A high-quality tinted day cream combines several advantages. First and foremost it serves as an alternative for make-up and foundation. Especially if you only want to cover small impurities, a tinted day cream is a good choice.

Besides the covering function, the creams are also well suited for skin care. They usually moisturize and thus replace other products for facial care. Despite their make-up effect, your complexion remains natural and not overly masked.

In addition, a tinted day cream is perfect in summer. Firstly, you avoid that your make-up runs through the heat and secondly, the creams usually also contain sun protection and thus protect against skin aging.

Further advantages in the overview:

  • A fresher complexion
  • Covering impure skin areas
  • Moisturize
  • UV protection
  • Anti-aging effect
  • Easy to use
  • Lasts a long time

Tinted day cream: How well does it cover?

Those who are used to the varied use of make-up will certainly notice the difference to day cream. Of course this one does not cover so much as it contains much less pigment.

Instead it usually moisturizes and cares for the skin. Especially in summer where the skin usually shows only minor impurities, the day cream can perfectly replace the classic foundation. In addition, you save valuable time in front of the mirror, as applying a foundation is more effort.

Tinted day cream: 4 different types

1. Tinted Day Cream: BB Cream

BB stands for “Blemish Balm” and is especially suitable for dry skin. Because BB Cream provides your complexion with a lot of moisture and ensures that pigments or redness are easily concealed. BB Creams also usually contain SPF (sun protection factor) and can therefore be worn especially well in summer.

BB Cream is the most popular of the tinted creams as it combines care, sun protection and make-up. Originally it was intended for irritated skin which also shows redness. It can be used for all skin types.

2. Tinted Day Cream: CC Cream

CC stands for “Color Correcting” and is primarily used for color tone correction. This provides our skin with moisture and conceals pigments and redness. CC Cream contains special colour pigments that balance the complexion particularly well.

CC Cream is especially used for impure and oily skin. It covers slightly better than BB Cream and usually contains a sun protection factor as well.

3. Tinted Day Cream: DD Cream

DD stands for “Diminish and Disguise”. DD Cream is a hybrid cream that combines all the positive characteristics of BB and CC Cream.

The cream contains many vitamins and minerals and also provides plenty of moisture. In addition, DD Cream can improve the skin’s appearance and pad small wrinkles. The cream is especially suitable for combination and sensitive skin.

4. Tinted Day Cream: EE Cream

EE Cream is the newcomer among the tinted day creams and is perfect for mature skin. It is able to soothe pigments and bring about a lighter complexion. In addition, it provides an even skin appearance (“Even Effect”). Due to the hyaluronic acid it provides the face with moisture.

Apply tinted day cream correctly

  • Make sure to use a tinted day cream that matches your skin tone. The cream should not be darker than your skin, but a slightly lighter colour is no problem.
  • The cream is applied like a normal day cream even after cleansing the skin and is removed in the evening like make-up. If your skin is very dry, you can also apply a suitable day cream as a base in advance.
  • If you would like to use a concealer in addition, use it before applying the tinted day cream. Powder on the other hand can still be used afterwards. If you have strong pigments or dark circles under the eyes, you can also use a concealer to ensure a more uniform skin appearance.

Is tinted day cream harmful?

The use of tinted day cream has not only supporters. Make-up artist Kylie Jenners, for example, has advised against it. The reason: The color pigments go deeper into the skin and can quickly clog the pores.

But you can avoid this adverse effect with a thorough facial cleansing in the evening. Just like with make-up, it is important to make sure that tinted beauty products are removed thoroughly before going to bed. You can use a good micelle water, for example.

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