This Concealer Mistake Makes Us Look Older

Look older than we actually are? None of us want that. But almost everyone makes a mistake in their morning routine that does just that. We’ll tell you what it is.

The concealer constantly slips into the wrinkles, disappears in the course of the day or changes the colour by several nuances? All scenarios that we don’t need in the morning in front of the mirror. Unfortunately not all of them can be avoided. But there is one mistake that almost all of us make – and which we can easily avoid.

This concealer mistake is made by many

Do you use powder to set your foundation and concealer? And do you wonder why your eye area looks totally dry and “cracked” during the day? As you can probably imagine: there’s a connection. Ever since Kim Kardashian made the baking technique very popular, we see lots of tutorials on Instagram and YouTube, in which beauty gurus feel like putting a ton of powder under their eyes. They do this because the cream product is supposed to absorb the powder and thus create a flawless finish. No! This may work on oily skin, but certainly not on all of us. Besides: For everyday life this is usually not a time-efficient technique.

Of course, we are not saying that you should not powder your concealer now (although that would definitely be an option!), but just use a different technique and different products. Because according to Sir John, make-up artist of Beyoncé, the biggest mistake we all make is to fix the concealer with pressed powder instead of loose powder. “Pressed powder lies very heavy and dry on the skin,” he says in an interview with Due to the pressed texture, the powder is more likely to oxidize – i.e. change color – and accentuates wrinkles, lines and co. much more than the loose version.

Which powder is the right one?

But how do we now know which powder is really suitable? After all, there are also very big differences in the loose powders. Sir John has a test for this: he takes up the powder with a brush and blows lightly on the brush. When the powder flies high in the air, the fineness is perfect. If, on the other hand, it falls immediately towards the ground, the powder is too heavy and rather less suitable for the eye area.

To avoid too much powder on the concealer, it is best to apply it with a small brush – not with a powder puff. Otherwise it will quickly look too dry again.

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