The Raw Food Diet: Lose Weight for Cooking Muffle

With the raw food diet the kitchen stays cold and we eat lots of vegetable food. Can this be healthy and help you reach your desired weight?

What is behind the raw food diet?

Good news for those who don’t like to cook: The Raw Food Diet is all about raw food! Nothing heated, cooked or fried. Meat and eggs are no longer needed, and we also eliminate all dairy products and eat almost no carbohydrates.

Instead, on the menu: plenty of vegetables, fruit, nuts and salads. A little olive oil is allowed, so that we supply our body with at least a minimum of unsaturated fatty acids. Fruit and vegetables can also be drunk as smoothies. During the raw food diet we eat a vegan diet.

Is the raw food diet healthy?

Anyone who thinks that eating mostly fruit and vegetables is particularly healthy is unfortunately making it too easy. The excessive amount of fibre can lead to flatulence and other digestive problems such as diarrhoea or a feeling of fullness – not for sensitive stomachs!

As we mainly live on vegetables and fruit, our body lacks important nutrients such as protein, which we otherwise absorb through cereal products or animal products. However, the vitamin content of vegetable foods is highest in their raw state, say supporters of the raw food diet – which is why many people nowadays swear by cooking their vegetables only gently at low temperatures instead of boiling them.

How quickly do I lose weight with the raw food diet?

If you decide to go on a raw food diet, you should never follow this diet for more than a week. Quick success is guaranteed thanks to the raw food, but the pounds are just as quickly back on, because we virtually jump into the yoyo effect as soon as we start eating as usual again.

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