The Perfect Annual Plan for The Amaryllis Care!

The Amaryllis has different needs depending on the season. With these care instructions nothing can go wrong!

Amaryllis look majestic and shine in rich colours. It is mainly kept as an indoor plant or in a pot, but is also very popular in a bouquet.

Amaryllis and Ritterstern: Synonyms?

The knight star was assigned to the botanical genus Amaryllis because of its similarity to the real Amaryllis. But because of different characteristics of the two plants, there was a big change in this respect in the 1980s: The Knight’s Star with about 70 to 80 species was assigned to a separate genus, namely the Hippeastrum. Originally they came from Peru. Many actually mean the Knight’s Star when they speak of the Amaryllis.

The real Amaryllis, on the other hand, comes from the south of Africa and is also called Belladonna Lily. Since the Knight’s Star is commonly known by its old name, the care tips also refer to this one.

Amaryllis care at a glance

The vegetation phases at a glance:

  • Winter: Flowering time
  • Spring/summer: growth phase
  • Autumn: rest period

Depending on the phase, the Star of Chivalry needs different care. And so you care for the amaryllis:

1. Flowering phase in winter

  • December to January: During this time they need a bright location, but no direct sunlight. The winter garden or a bright windowsill are suitable for this. Water moderately from below so that the onion remains dry. Temperatures up to about 20 degrees Celsius are ideal. The flowering time lasts longer at low temperatures! At night, 16 degrees Celsius are also sufficient for the Amaryllis.
  • February: At the end of the flowering period, cut off the wilted flowers and the stem, leave the leaves standing. Continue watering regularly.

2. Growth phase in spring/summer

  • March to April: water more often and keep the plant warm. Fertilize every three weeks.
  • May to July: In this phase the Amaryllis likes to be in partial shade and warm, preferably with daytime temperatures of 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. If it is outside in summer, it needs more water than inside! Fertilize every one to two weeks.
  • August: No more fertilizing and watering and let the leaves wilt.

3. Rest period in autumn

  • September to October: Cut off the old foliage and still do not water the plant. In autumn the star should be dark and have temperatures of about 16 degrees around it. You can also put the Amaryllis in the cellar for this!
  • November: The dormancy period ends about one month before flowering. This is the perfect time to repot the plant or to plant new Amaryllis!

This is how you plant the amaryllis

All you need for your knight’s star is a nice pot of clay and standard indoor plant soil. To plant the bulb, place about half of the bulb in the soil, with the other half sticking out. Water well after planting!

Be careful if you have pets

The plant parts are poisonous, including the bulb. Both the belladonna lily and the knight’s star can cause poisoning accordingly, so they are dangerous for pets.

Decoration ideas for your Amaryllis

In winter we enjoy the opulent flowers of the Amaryllis – perfect for setting them in scene. Here you will find a few nice ideas, such as this Christmas flower arrangement:

In combination with roses and hydrangeas they form a beautiful ensemble on every table!

Even without large company the knight’s star cuts a good figure. With a little eucalyptus and in a vintage vase it quickly spreads a cosy atmosphere.

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