The 7 Best Anti-Aging Tricks for Hands

You can tell your true age by your hands, they say. We tell you which everyday habits make them age faster and how they stay beautiful longer.

While we lovingly take care of our face and carefully examine every small wrinkle and age spot there, many women regularly neglect the care of their hands. Well-groomed hands are particularly important, after all, they are one of the parts of the body that age the fastest (and that are mostly visible).

If you want to radiate youthfulness, you should take care of the right care and quickly let go of some bad habits in everyday life. If you pay attention to these seven things, you can slow down the aging process. A little anti-aging program for the hands:

1. Do not clean without gloves

The fact that the chemicals contained in detergents and cleaning agents attack the sensitive skin on the hands is nothing new. However, many women refrain from wearing gloves when doing housework. A big mistake: Every time you come into contact with washing-up liquid and the like, moisture is removed from the skin. In the long run, this promotes wrinkling.

2. More cream

The fact that we apply cream to our face in the morning and in the evening is part of every beauty ritual. The daily application of lotion to the hands is even more important. This is because the hands produce less natural oils than the face. Therefore, they should always be supplied with sufficient moisture. Tip: When buying the hand cream, pay attention to anti-aging ingredients such as Q10, hyaluron, antioxidants and retinol.

3. UV protection for the hands

When buying our face cream, we automatically check whether it contains a sun protection factor. Because: If we forget about sun protection, it favors age spots. Unfortunately, it’s the same with our hands. Before you go out in the morning, treat your hands to a layer of hand cream with UV protection. So pigment and age spots don’t stand a chance.

4. Do not forget peeling

Our hands have to go through quite a lot every day. Therefore it is important to clean them regularly and to free them from dead skin cells. This is best done with a fine (homemade) peeling. This is the way to go: Every two weeks, mix two tablespoons of brown sugar with one tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil – done.

5. Massages promote blood circulation

It is not only a relief to relieve tension and knots that have accumulated during the day with a hand massage, it also stimulates the blood circulation. If the small massage is also combined with the application of oil, the skin is happy about a real rejuvenation cure.

6. Avoid nail polishing

Frequent nail polishing is not harmful in itself, but the associated nail polish removal is. The liquids used to remove nail polish dry out our sensitive skin. Therefore it is important to give the nails a break from nail polish every now and then. If you want to give them a new coat of paint, you should give your hands an extra portion of moisture after the later removal.

7. Do not wash too often

Especially in winter and the associated colds that are in circulation, we tend to wash our hands particularly often. Washing your hands too often can also damage them, as it permanently removes the natural oils from the skin. Make sure that you only use a mild soap without fragrances for hand washing (with olive oil, aloe vera or jojoba oil) and that you do not use disinfectants. It is better to dry with paper towels than with a hand dryer.

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