The 6 Workouts That Burn The Most Calories

For most people, training is synonymous with hard work – but that doesn’t have to be the case. Here are 6 workouts that consume the most calories and are still very easy.

1. Rowing

The rowing machine is a wonderful fitness device that promises good results relatively quickly. The even rowing motion provides a joint-gentle whole body workout that uses various muscle groups of the arms, abdomen and legs.

Rowing not only stimulates fat burning, but also improves physical condition. The next time you go to the gym, you should try it – and row 1000 metres. Kilocalories burned: 200 to 250.

2. Swimming

For all those who do not feel particularly comfortable on fitness equipment: Swimming is a good way to burn fat and is particularly suitable for sporty beginners or re-starters. It is easy on the joints, which is due to the properties of the water, and strengthens endurance. Ideally, a training session lasts at least 30 minutes, during which the body burns up to 350 kilocalories.

3. VersaClimber

The VersaClimber is often overlooked in the gym, but this stepper with climbing function is ideal for total body training.

Just 20 minutes are enough for an effective whole body and cardiovascular workout. This not only boosts muscle building and metabolism, but also fat burning. During a 30-minute workout with the training device you will lose between 300 and 350 kilocalories.

4. Stairmill

The training device Stairmill, or also called Stepmaster and Stepmill, is still a rarity in Germany. Those who have such a cardio device, which is modelled on an escalator, in their gym should definitely try it.

Climbing stairs is a real calorie killer – and trains calves, bottom and thighs. The workout increases the heart rate, which stimulates the metabolism and fat burning. Calories burned during a 30-minute workout: 250 to 300.

5. Kettlebell

Ever heard of the Kettlebell? Then it is high time, because with the Kettlebell you can train almost all arm, shoulder and upper body muscles. During a workout with the grippy dumbbell you train several components: Strength and endurance, heart and circulation, flexibility, coordination and speed. And the best thing about it: in 30 minutes you will tumble between 300 and 350 calories.

6. TRX

It’s worth it – in the truest sense of the word: During TRX training you hang yourself in the loops of a fixed object and work with your own body weight. In order to train without mistakes, a permanent basic tension in the body is required, so that the deep muscles are also addressed.

TRX-exercises bring you above all strength, condition, endurance and mobility and require body awareness. About 200 to 250 kilocalories are consumed during a 30-minute training session.

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