The 5 Best Tips for Succulent Care

They decorate window sills and gardens – no wonder, as they look enchanting with their beautiful colours and shapes. You can find out here how to care for succulents properly.

Succulents are not a plant family themselves, but rather various species. What they have in common is that they have water-storing tissue. A distinction is made between leaf, stem and root succulents. Money tree, agaves, bow hemp (Sansevieria) and cacti belong to the succulents. Echeverias are currently very trendy and, together with other succulents, decorate many windowsills and gardens.

Easy-care succulents

The good thing is that succulents are easy to care for and do not die immediately if you forget to water them or are on holiday for a few days. They are able to store water in their leaves and thus cope with dry periods very well. The wax layer, which many succulents have, also helps them. You can find out what you should pay attention to when caring for succulents in the following points.

5 tips for succulent care

  • Substrate: To ensure that your succulents are well cared for, you should choose a sandy substrate. You can mix two parts of potting soil with one part of sand. Cactus soil is also suitable.
  • Location: A bright and sunny spot is the best choice for your succulents. Even if they do well on the windowsill: in summer, place them outside in the garden or on the balcony in the sun (protected from the rain as a precaution). High temperatures can also promote their development.
  • Watering: Drought doesn’t make much difference to succulents. In summer it is sufficient to water the plants about every one or two weeks. In general, you should only water again when the soil is dry again after the last watering. In winter succulents need even less water. Water that collects in a coaster or the like should be drained. Because waterlogged water can lead to root rot! And: do not water directly on the leaves. Tip: If the leaves are bulging, water properly. If they are wrinkled and hanging, they need water.
  • Pot: As succulents do not tolerate stagnant moisture, you should either use a container with water drainage for your plant or add a drainage layer.
  • Fertilizing: Succulents do not need many nutrients, but you should still fertilize from March to September approximately every four to six weeks, e.g. with cactus fertilizer.

As you can see, it’s not that difficult to nurse succulents. If you haven’t grown a green thumb yet, this is the perfect beginner’s plant for you.

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