The 13 Best Foods for a Healthy Start to The Day

A healthy breakfast gives energy and lets us start the day satisfied and without increased appetite attacks. You should place your bets on the following 13 foods in the morning.

1. Oatmeal

Instead of reaching for the ready-made muesli, which is usually very sugary, you should put on oatmeal in the morning. Best in combination with fruit and yoghurt. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, oatmeal provides energy thanks to the proteins, fibres and vitamins it contains, and secondly, oats support skin health. The best thing about this food: it keeps you full for a long time and regulates digestion.

2. Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is currently booming in the food market. The reason is obvious: the milk product has a particularly creamy consistency and a pleasantly intense taste. In addition, yoghurt provides plenty of calcium and protein, but has fewer carbohydrates than normal yoghurts. But: In the original Greek yoghurt contains almost ten percent fat, but in the meantime low-fat variants are also conquering the grocery stores in the U.S.

3. Grapefruits

Are you trying to lose weight? Then you should add a grapefruit to your morning meal routine. As experts in a study have found out, only half a grapefruit before each meal helps you lose weight faster. The reason for this is the indigestible fibre pectin, which aids digestion and swells the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this swelling, satiation sets in faster, so you automatically eat less. The fruit also has a positive effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

4. Bananas

If you treat yourself to a banana in the morning, for example with oatmeal, you will prevent increased appetite attacks in the morning. Compared to other types of fruit, the yellow fruit provides the most carbohydrates and makes you full for a long time. The fibre also ensures that the carbohydrates only enter the bloodstream bit by bit, so that the insulin does not shoot up too quickly. By the way: Just one single banana provides one sixth of the daily magnesium requirement.

5. Eggs

For a long time, eggs were notoriously unhealthy and were considered to be colesterol bombs. Fortunately those times are over, because eggs are better than their reputation. They contain many micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and iodine. The high protein content supports satiation and thus helps you lose weight. The lecithin also contained in the egg not only protects the liver and colon mucosa, but also improves concentration and memory. If that is not a reason to reach for your breakfast egg in the morning.

6. Peanut Butter

The reputation of peanut butter is also worse than it deserves. Because: peanut butter is not only delicious, but also helps to burn fat. But why is peanut butter healthy? This is because of its ingredients, including vitamin E, magnesium and proteins. And the unsaturated fatty acids are also good for the cardiovascular system.

7. Linseed

A spoonful of linseed in your muesli can work wonders – and stimulate digestion. Because the mucilage in the seed husks acts as a swelling agent. The fatty oil also has a lubricating effect and accelerates the transport of the intestinal contents. Best of all, studies have shown that flaxseed helps to prevent various types of cancer.

8. Coffee

For most people, a coffee in the morning is simply part of the routine. However, the popular hot drink, which was long considered unhealthy, does not only wake you up. Studies show that it also protects against the onset of bowel cancer, prostate cancer, certain brain tumours and cancer of the mouth and bladder. It is also thought to significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Well, if that’s not grounds for a morning coffee.

9. Tea

You don’t drink coffee? No problem. Tea also has a number of health benefits, and unlike coffee, it does not have a dehydrating effect. There are indications that regular consumption of green tea, for example, could reduce the risk of cancer, dementia or cardiovascular disease.

10. Kiwis

With 70 milligrams per 100 grams, kiwis are considered a great source of vitamin C. Even a large kiwi of 150 grams covers our daily requirement of 100 milligrams of vitamin C. In addition, the exotic fruit has hardly any calories, a minimal fat content and relatively high fibre content. For breakfast, kiwis taste best on their own or as an accompaniment to a smoothie or fruit salad.

11. Orange juice

Especially for a breakfast on Saturday or Sunday morning, a freshly squeezed orange juice is simply a must. Orange juice is one of the few sources of the sun vitamin D. And it is known to be associated with a lower risk of osteoporosis, depression and certain types of cancer.

12. Cranberry juice

Alternatively, you can reach for cranberry juice, because it contains the great power of the small berry. Cranberries strengthen the immune system, protect against arteriosclerosis and stop stomach problems. This is due to the healing effect of the secondary plant substances, the antioxidants, which keep cell-destroying free radicals in check and neutralise them. Health plus: Cranberries contain minerals such as iron, potassium, sodium as well as several vitamins.

13. Wholemeal bread

Instead of using white flour products, you should always choose the wholemeal variety. This is because whole grains raise the blood sugar level only slowly compared to the white flour variety – and therefore saturate the body for much longer. If you eat toast or white bread, you will probably get hungry again relatively quickly, as your blood sugar level drops again after a short time. Well then, bon appetit.

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