Tap Briefly on This Part of Your Body | The Effect will Excite You!

Satisfaction and more energy: It is worth getting to know the “happiness point” of your body!

Sounds almost too good to be true, but is scientifically proven: There’s a point on your body that gives you instant peace and contentment. And it’s very easy to try it out in two steps:

1. Find the right place

Use the three middle fingers of one hand to feel your chest until you are about four to five centimeters above the center of your sternum. Or the other way around: about two or three finger breadths below the point where the hard chest becomes the soft neck.

2. Luck is knocking

Now lightly tap this area with your fingers for about 15-30 seconds until you feel a gentle sensation of relaxation or satisfaction (may be expressed as a spontaneous yawn or sigh). So simple, so effective! The effect will be better the more often the tapping is repeated – if you stimulate the Happiness Point three times a day, you will feel a big difference after just one week.

And why does it work?

The “lucky point” is located directly above the thymus gland. This gland has the task of supplying our body with T-cells that strengthen the immune system.

Over the years this gland becomes smaller and smaller, making it more difficult to produce T-cells. And this is where the “breast knocker” comes into play: a little stimulation (knock, knock!) from outside stimulates production more strongly.

You can feel the consequences immediately: more energy, greater resistance to stress, a stronger immune system – and above all a deep sense of happiness. A small movement that makes life so much better!

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