10 Surprising Uses for Coffee Grounds in the Kitchen

Did you know that those leftover coffee grounds you usually toss away can be incredibly useful around the kitchen? Chances are, you’ve been throwing away a goldmine of multipurpose goodness without even realizing it. Coffee grounds are a versatile and eco-friendly ingredient with a range of surprising applications beyond just brewing your morning cup of joe.

From natural odor eliminators to skin exfoliators, let’s explore 10 unexpected ways to put those used coffee grounds to work and unlock their full potential in your kitchen. Get ready to embrace sustainability, save money, and discover a whole new world of possibilities with this humble kitchen staple.

1. Deodorize Your Refrigerator

If you’re tired of dealing with unpleasant odors lingering in your refrigerator, coffee grounds can be your new best friend. Thanks to their ability to absorb odors, these little brown granules can work wonders in keeping your fridge smelling fresh and clean.

Here’s how to use coffee grounds as a natural deodorizer:

  1. Take a small bowl or container and fill it with used coffee grounds.
  2. Place the bowl or container at the back of your refrigerator.
  3. Let the coffee grounds work their magic for a few days, absorbing any unwanted smells.
  4. Replace the coffee grounds every week or two for best results.

Bonus tip: You can also sprinkle a thin layer of coffee grounds on a baking sheet and leave it in the fridge for an extra odor-fighting boost.

2. Exfoliate Your Skin

Who knew that the secret to glowing, radiant skin might be hiding in your coffee grounds? Coffee grounds make an excellent natural exfoliant, gently sloughing off dead skin cells and revealing a brighter, smoother complexion.

To create your own homemade coffee scrub, follow this simple recipe:


  • 1/2 cup of used coffee grounds
  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar or salt
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil or olive oil


  1. Mix the coffee grounds, sugar (or salt), and oil in a bowl until well combined.
  2. Gently massage the scrub onto your damp skin using circular motions, avoiding the delicate eye area.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, and pat your skin dry.

Not only will this scrub leave your skin feeling soft and renewed, but it’s also an excellent way to repurpose those coffee grounds and reduce waste in your kitchen.

3. Enrich Your Compost

If you have a compost bin or pile in your backyard, coffee grounds can be a valuable addition. These nutrient-rich leftovers are an excellent source of nitrogen, which is essential for healthy plant growth and soil fertility.

Here’s how to incorporate coffee grounds into your compost:

  1. Collect your used coffee grounds in a container or bag.
  2. Once you have a decent amount, sprinkle the coffee grounds evenly over your compost pile.
  3. Ensure that you’re maintaining a balanced ratio of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials in your compost.

4. Remove Stubborn Stains

Thanks to their mildly abrasive nature, coffee grounds can be a powerful ally in tackling stubborn stains and grime around your kitchen. Whether it’s a stubborn coffee or tea stain on your countertop or a greasy spill on your stovetop, coffee grounds can help you tackle those tough messes with ease.

Here’s how to use coffee grounds as a natural cleaning agent:

  1. Sprinkle a generous amount of coffee grounds directly onto the stain or soiled area.
  2. Using a damp cloth or sponge, gently rub the coffee grounds into the stain, applying light pressure.
  3. Rinse the area with warm water and wipe clean.

Repeat this process as needed until the stain is fully removed.

Note: While coffee grounds are generally safe for most surfaces, it’s best to avoid using them on delicate or easily scratched materials like certain types of countertops or appliances.

5. Deter Pests and Insects

Did you know that coffee grounds can help keep unwanted pests and insects at bay? The strong aroma and slightly abrasive texture of coffee grounds can act as a natural deterrent for many common household pests, such as ants, slugs, and even cats (if you’re trying to keep them out of your garden).

Here are some tips for using coffee grounds as a pest repellent:

  1. Sprinkle coffee grounds around the perimeter of your home, garden beds, or areas where you’ve noticed pest activity.
  2. For ant infestations, create a barrier of coffee grounds around the entry points or trails.
  3. In your garden, mix coffee grounds into the soil or spread them around the base of plants to deter slugs and snails.

Not only is this method effective, but it’s also a safe and eco-friendly way to keep pests at bay without resorting to harsh chemicals or pesticides.

6. Tenderize Meat

Who knew that coffee grounds could be the secret ingredient to tender, flavorful meat dishes? The slightly abrasive texture of coffee grounds can help break down tough muscle fibers, resulting in a more tender and juicy final product.

Here’s how to use coffee grounds as a meat tenderizer:

  1. In a shallow dish or resealable plastic bag, combine your desired marinade ingredients with a generous amount of coffee grounds (about 1/4 cup per pound of meat).
  2. Add your meat to the marinade mixture, ensuring it’s fully coated.
  3. Marinate the meat in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight, allowing the coffee grounds to work their tenderizing magic.
  4. Before cooking, remove the meat from the marinade and pat it dry with paper towels.

You’ll be amazed at how the coffee grounds can transform even the toughest cuts of meat into melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness.

7. Create Unique Crafts

If you’re feeling crafty, coffee grounds can be a wonderful medium for creating unique and eco-friendly arts and crafts projects. From homemade candles to rustic wall hangings, the possibilities are endless.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Coffee Ground Candles: Mix coffee grounds with melted soy wax to create beautiful, fragrant candles with a rustic touch.
  • Coffee Ground Soap: Incorporate coffee grounds into your homemade soap recipes for a gentle, exfoliating bar that will leave your skin feeling refreshed.
  • Coffee Ground Paintings: Use coffee grounds mixed with water or glue to create stunning paintings or wall hangings with rich, earthy tones.

8. Enhance Your Soil

If you’re an avid gardener, you’ll be thrilled to learn that coffee grounds can be a valuable addition to your soil. These nutrient-rich leftovers can help improve soil structure, retain moisture, and provide essential nutrients for plant growth.

Here’s how to incorporate coffee grounds into your garden soil:

  1. Collect your used coffee grounds in a container or bag.
  2. Once you have a decent amount, sprinkle the coffee grounds evenly over your garden beds or planting areas.
  3. Using a garden fork or trowel, gently work the coffee grounds into the top few inches of soil.

Coffee grounds are particularly beneficial for acid-loving plants like azaleas, hydrangeas, and blueberries, as they can help lower the soil’s pH levels. Just be mindful not to overdo it, as too much can make the soil overly acidic.

9. Make Homemade Candles

Unleash your creativity by using coffee grounds to make beautiful, fragrant candles right in your own kitchen. Not only do coffee grounds lend a warm, earthy scent to candles, but they can also be used as a natural dye to create stunning shades of brown and tan.

Here’s a simple recipe for homemade coffee ground candles:


  • Soy wax or beeswax
  • Coffee grounds (used or fresh)
  • Candle wicks
  • Heat-safe containers or jars


  1. Melt the wax according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Once melted, stir in the coffee grounds until well combined. The more coffee grounds you add, the deeper the color will be.
  3. Carefully pour the wax mixture into your chosen containers, leaving enough room at the top for the wick.
  4. Once the wax has partially cooled and formed a skin on top, secure the wick in the center using a wick holder or by dipping the wick’s end into the wax.
  5. Allow the candles to cool and harden completely before trimming the wicks and enjoying their warm, coffee-infused glow.

10. Brew a Concentrated Coffee Cleaner

Harness the power of coffee grounds to create a potent, all-natural cleaning solution that can tackle even the toughest stains and messes in your kitchen. This concentrated coffee cleaner is a versatile and eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, and it packs a punch when it comes to cleaning power.

Here’s how to make your own coffee cleaner:


  • 1 cup of used coffee grounds
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 1 cup of warm water


  1. In a large jar or container, combine the coffee grounds, vinegar, and warm water. Stir well to combine.
  2. Allow the mixture to steep for several hours or overnight, giving the coffee grounds time to release their cleaning compounds.
  3. After steeping, strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the coffee grounds, leaving you with a concentrated coffee cleaner.
  4. Transfer the cleaner to a spray bottle or container for easy use.

This potent coffee cleaner can be used to tackle a variety of surfaces and stains in your kitchen, from greasy stovetops and countertops to stubborn tile and grout grime. Simply spray or apply the cleaner to the desired area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub and rinse as needed.


Who knew that those humble coffee grounds could be so versatile and useful around the kitchen? From deodorizing your fridge to creating unique crafts, the possibilities are truly endless when it comes to repurposing this oft-discarded ingredient.

So, the next time you’re tempted to toss those used coffee grounds in the trash, pause and consider all the surprising ways you can put them to work. Get creative, experiment, and embrace the eco-friendly potential of this humble kitchen staple.

Don’t hesitate to share your own coffee ground hacks or creations with us – we’d love to hear about the innovative ways you’re putting these little brown granules to use in your kitchen and beyond!

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