Spinal Gymnastics: The Best Exercises

We introduce you to the most effective exercises for spinal gymnastics with which you can counteract back pain.

The advantages of spinal gymnastics

Spinal gymnastics primarily serves to strengthen our trunk muscles. Since most of us spend several hours a day sitting, back problems and tensions are pre-programmed. However, targeted back training can stretch and strengthen your muscles so that you can prevent back pain.

The following exercises can all be done without equipment. Before you start your workout, you should first do a few warm-up exercises and then start training slowly. For best results, do the back exercises at least twice a week.

Spinal gymnastics: Do not neglect the abdominal muscles

You might wonder why our workout includes exercises for abdominal muscle training in addition to back exercises. The reason is simple: our muscles only work through an interaction of opposing muscles, the agonists and antagonists. That’s why you should definitely also train your abdominal muscles during spinal gymnastics to avoid back pain.

The most effective exercises for spinal gymnastics

1. Quadruped stand for a strong body center

Go into the quadruped position and make sure that your hands are positioned under your shoulder and your knees are positioned under your hip. Then stretch your right leg backwards and your left arm forward so that they form a straight line with your back. Then bring your knee and elbow together under your body. After 15 to 20 repetitions change sides

2. Back swing for a movable spine

Lie with your back flat on the floor and bend your legs so that you can embrace them with your arms. Now raise your head and shoulders slightly and rock slowly back and forth. You can do three passes of this exercise with 15 repetitions each.

3. Sit-ups for a strong upper body

To do the sit-ups correctly, lie on your back and position your legs about shoulder width. Then put your hands on your head and slowly straighten your upper body. It is important that your back remains straight and that you do not make a hollow back. Then you can slowly unroll again, but your shoulders should not touch the floor completely. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

4. Bridge for a solid hull

Lie on your back and put your legs up, your hands lying next to your body with the palms facing down. Then lift your pelvis up until your body forms a line. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower your pelvis again. If you want to make the exercise a bit more demanding, you can alternately stretch your right and left leg.

5. Lateral support for strengthening the spine

The side support is also an effective exercise for spinal gymnastics. Therefore lie on your right side and support your right arm. Your legs lie on top of each other, your left hand grasps your hip. Then lift your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line. After you have held this position for a few seconds, you can lower your hips again. After ten repetitions, change sides.

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