Sinusitis: Home Remedies That Help

The unpleasant symptoms of the disease can be alleviated in a gentle way by using sinusitis home remedies. These home remedies have proven their worth!

Treatment: Frontal sinusitis – home remedies at a glance

In the case of sinusitis frontalis, the doctor can prescribe medication that reduces the swelling of the mucous membranes of the frontal and paranasal sinuses, for example. Otherwise, gentle sinusitis home remedies can help to get the symptoms under control. The following home remedies can be used for symptoms such as headaches, severe rhinitis and the like:

  • Drink plenty of water: In order for the excessively produced mucus in the sinuses of the nose, which is caused by the sinusitis, to become liquid and thus drain better, a lot of water should be drunk – at least two litres should be drunk. Herbal tea, for example with thyme or chamomile, is also allowed to liquefy the secretion.
  • Inhale: The mucous membranes must be moistened in the case of sinusitis, so that they can swell more easily. This is best done by inhalation – camomile is also suitable here, but essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus) can also be used. Important: these oils must not be used in children, as they can irritate the respiratory tract.
  • Nasal spray: Nasal spray can also be used to moisten the mucous membrane in the nose. One based on sea salt is useful – it prevents the mucous membrane in the nose from drying out.
  • Nasal showers: Some people find regular nasal showers with a saline solution somewhat unpleasant, but they flush pathogens out of the nose and thus reduce the duration of the sinusitis.
  • Spices: Since the sense of taste is impaired in sinusitis, it does not hurt to spice food a bit more. Curcuma, garlic, thyme and cayenne pepper are best suited for this, as these spices also have an expectorant effect.
  • Potato wrap: A potato wrap can help against headaches behind the forehead. The potatoes are boiled, mashed and wrapped in a thin cloth, which is then placed on the forehead or nose.
  • Scent oil: If you have a scented lamp at home, you can also fill it with essential oils or tea tree oil and place it in the bedroom. This helps you breathe deeply at night.
  • Red light: Most patients experience warmth as beneficial in the case of sinusitis, and it also loosens stuck mucus. It is best to sit in front of a red light lamp for about 20 minutes, keeping your eyes closed for protection.
  • Chicken Soup: For sinusitis of any kind, chicken soup is the best recipe to get rid of the symptoms of the inflammation quickly, because it moistens the respiratory tract and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sinus infection: Home remedy for chronic sinusitis

The home remedies also relieve the symptoms of chronic sinusitis. And: In general, the household remedies not only help with sinusitis, but also for the treatment of sinusitis!

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