Removing Fruit Stains: This is How It Works

Removing fruit stains is easy if you know the right tips and tricks. You can find out which home remedies really help here.

Removing fruit stains: The best tips

  • Act fast: As with all stains, we should act as quickly as possible. Fruit stains should first be dabbed with a kitchen roll. Important: Dab and do not rub, otherwise it will be even more difficult to remove the stain.
  • Pre-treat: Before we put the garment in the laundry together with the fruit stain, we must pre-treat the stain so that it can be removed more easily. With cold water we can often remove fresh stains easily. For more robust fabrics we can also use boiling water. If the stain is not yet completely removed, we need to use helpful household remedies.

Removing fruit stains: These home remedies help

  • Mineral water or milk: We can soak fresh fruit stains in mineral water or milk for a good half hour before washing. If the stains are dried in, we can also soak the garment overnight. We can treat the stain with a brush, then rinse with clean water and wash in the washing machine.
  • Citric acid: Fruit stains are particularly difficult to remove from fruit varieties with red dye. Therefore, the stain removers must also be stubborn. Simply apply some lemon juice to the fruit stain and let it work. The citric acid of the lemon juice dissolves the tannic acid contained in the fruit. Then wash the garment as usual.
  • Vinegar essence: removing fruit stains also works with vinegar or vinegar essence diluted with water. Apply to the fruit stains, leave to soak in and wash with it. Especially with red fruits it is advisable – for example, to remove strawberry stains.
  • Gall soap: Dried and stubborn fruit stains can be removed with gall soap – it is available in solid and liquid form. Moisten the stain, treat with soap and let it take effect. Then wash. As an alternative to gall soap, we can also use stain salt.
  • Baking powder: A fruit stain on the carpet, sofa or clothes can be removed with a mixture of water and baking powder. Apply the mixture, let it work and rub the stain out.
  • Toothpaste: Toothpaste is a true all-rounder among home remedies. However, it only helps with fruit stains on light-coloured materials. Apply the paste to the stain, leave it to work and then put the garment in the washing machine as usual – and wash it as hot as possible.
  • Alcohol: 100% alcohol from the pharmacy can help with cotton. We can dribble this onto the fruit stains. By the way, it is also a miracle cure for felt-tip pen stains and shoe polish stains.
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