Reflexology (Zone Therapy): What is This Actually?

Reflexology (zone therapy) is a massage technique that treats diseases and disorders by applying pressure to specific areas of the foot.

Reflexology – What is that actually?

Reflexology is a massage technique that treats diseases and disorders by applying pressure to specific areas of the foot. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by American therapists and masseurs.

Reflexology is based on the idea that certain areas of the foot are connected to certain parts of the body. If a part of the foot hurts or if the skin changes, this is a symptom that the corresponding organ is damaged. Conversely, pressure on the foot reflex zone can stimulate the associated organ and promote its function.

Originally it was believed that deposits were formed in the nerve ends of the foot. The massage rubs the deposits and soothes the discomfort. However, this idea is now also considered outdated among followers of foot reflexology therapy.

Which methods are used in reflexology therapy?

The diagnosis is made by palpation and looking at the foot. During the actual reflexology, the sole and back of the foot, the inside and outside of the foot are massaged with the thumb or with thumb and index finger.

For which complaints is the zone therapy used?

Areas of application for reflexology are disorders of the internal organs, joint complaints and pain. The method is also used for psychosomatic complaints such as sleep disorders, digestive problems or muscle tension.

How well is the reflexology therapy scientifically proven?

Reflexology is not sufficiently proven by scientific studies. In particular, the idea that there is a connection between the foot and the organs of the body is not tenable. Nor can deposits at the nerve ends in the foot be proven. The healing effect of the zone therapy is attributed to the overall relaxing effect of the massage.

What are the limitations of the zone therapy?

The method does not promise a cure for acute illnesses, but is only intended to support the healing process. The treatment can sometimes be somewhat painful. Side effects are not to be feared, but an initial deterioration of the state of health may occur temporarily. Zone therapy is not recommended for inflammatory and painful diseases of the feet and legs.

For whom is the zone therapy suitable?

Reflexology is suitable for anyone who is willing to engage in physical contact with a therapist they trust. Self treatment or partner massages are also possible without a therapist. A massage of the soles of the feet is also beneficial if you do not stick to the foot reflex zones.

What does the treatment cost?

The first treatment takes about one hour including anamnesis and costs between 40 and 60 Euros. The further treatments are less long and are correspondingly cheaper. The statutory health insurance companies do not bear the costs.

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