Psychological Changes During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a wide variety of hormonal, biochemical and physical changes occur in the body. For this reason, pregnant women can be very sensitive and touchy during pregnancy, especially in the first and last periods. At the slightest emotional situation, they may cry and then laugh.

In addition, the excitement and stress of childbirth, insomnia after birth, fatigue, the thought of whether the child will be healthy, the crowd around, the thought of whether the milk will come or not, and post-pregnancy depression, namely puerperal syndrome, may appear.

In order to avoid negative mood and pregnancy depression during and after pregnancy, it should be known by her and her environment that every pregnant woman may experience emotional fluctuations during pregnancy and that she may encounter many unexpected events during pregnancy.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life where physical and mental changes are experienced due to changes in hormones. If the body cannot adapt to the change during this period, thoughts such as losing their desire to live, not wanting the baby, and seeing themselves as worthless may occur in pregnant women.

If these thoughts persist for more than 2-3 weeks, symptoms of depression or other mental disorders may occur. In such cases, it is necessary to seek psychiatric help. Pregnancy is not actually a disease, but a natural, pleasant process that develops positive female emotions.

However, negative feelings such as fear of birth, worry about the baby’s health, feeling of limitation, and not wanting the baby can be observed. If these are mild and short-lived, they can be considered normal.

First of all, admit that you are pregnant

From the first moment you learn that you are pregnant, accept that you may experience emotional fluctuations and many unexpected events during this period, and tell your surroundings about this situation. Accepting this situation beforehand reduces your risk of depression.

Don’t worry about physical changes

During pregnancy, major changes occur in the body. Weight gained, cracks in the body or some changes in your skin are the result of a natural cycle. Remember that these changes are normal and you will return to your old self over time.

Take pregnancy depression seriously!

The emotional change experienced by pregnant women during pregnancy can be accompanied by depression, and this can have serious consequences that can lead to premature birth. If pregnant women have a tendency to depression, they should be followed up under the supervision of a doctor.

It is estimated that 40 percent of women today experience a depressive episode at some point in their lives. 15% of pregnant women are considered to be depressed.

What are the ways to overcome stress during pregnancy?

The changing body structure during pregnancy, concerns about the baby’s health and birth, and the difficulties of working life can leave the expectant mother tired, tense and stressed. Share the difficulties and worries you face in daily life with a loved one who can share your feelings.

Try to adjust your working life according to the situations that pregnancy brings. Try to get more information about your pregnancy from health personnel, books and the internet. Try to be comfortable by making time for the activities you really want to do (Spend time with your friends, activities such as reading, exercise, movies).

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