Pregnant? 9 Things We Should Do When It Happens

What to do when the pregnancy test is finally positive? We have compiled a small to-do list for MOMs-to-be.

You waited a long time for this moment and then a thousand thoughts shoot through your head. And a lot can go under. Especially yourself! Wellbeing is inevitable with our checklist:

  • Looking forward! Nothing compares to the moment when we learn that a small person is growing up in us. A heart’s desire has been fulfilled and that is simply magical! Scream, laugh or cry your eyes out. Just allow every feeling.
  • Be scared! Yes, we also have to allow that. Because pregnancy also brings with it many worries and changes. Becoming a parent is one of the bravest things we can do!
  • Celebrate! With an extra large piece of cake just for you, together with your partner, your best friend or with your own mom on the phone – there are many ways to celebrate the two small lines on the test strip. Find your very own way! You will always remember that moment later.
  • Get folic acid! Because it is the most important vitamin in the first months of pregnancy. This ensures that the fetal central nervous system can develop healthily. Folic acid prevents many birth defects in early pregnancy.
  • Arrange doctorate dates. To make sure that everything is going correctly, make an appointment with a gynecologist promptly. This calms you down and helps you to prepare well for the next nine months. The expert can help with concerns about pregnancy and becoming a mother, recommend help and other vitamins and trace elements against nausea and fatigue.
  • Inform employers! Most women wait until the 12th week of pregnancy because then the pregnancy is really stable. Of course, you can also let me know earlier. There is no obligation to report pregnancy and here too, every expectant mother has her own pace. However, if the job is dangerous, it must be communicated to the manager earlier. This is the only way that the employer can take appropriate safety precautions and also observe the special protection against dismissal for expectant mothers. Please also indicate the date of birth.
  • Take time! Now is the right time to take on beautiful things. Enjoying the time as a couple or with friends again intensively. Go for a walk and let your thoughts wander in peace.
  • Shopping. Buy something nice! A fragrant shower gel or lotion for the growing belly. The sweet music box that we have looked at so many times. A mother always remembers the first things she bought after the positive result. And later you can tell the child about it.
  • Do your thing! As soon as we have told everyone, the advice comes to us in containers. Now it’s time not to let it roll over you! We find our own way. And ask if we want to know something

More gut feeling, please!

If we listen to our gut instincts, we can’t do too much wrong. Deep down we know exactly what is good for us (and the baby). And surprisingly also quite intuitively, what we have to do. After all, mums have superpowers!

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