Powder Brows: The Process & Technique

Thick eyebrows give the face expression and contour – but often enough our eyebrows don’t want to be the way we want them to be! With Powder Brows, however, you can help. Find out what the eyebrow trend can do here!

Eyebrow Trend Powder Brows: What is it?

There are many reasons why our eyebrows do not grow back well or have bald spots: For example, it may be because we have made plucking mistakes in the past, there is a deficiency or hormone change, or even that certain medications or diseases promote hair loss. Cosmetic products/treatments can also damage the hair roots of the brows under certain circumstances. Many women then resort to eyebrow powder or eyebrow pencil. As an alternative, in addition to microblading, the eyebrow trend Powder Brows is also available, which is also one of the permanent make-up techniques.

Powder Brows treatment is offered in cosmetic studios that specialize in the technique. It is a technique in which permanent color is applied with a fine nano-needle, (similar to a tattoo machine). Small dots are poked under the eyebrows, imitating powder. The light shading finally looks as if the eyebrows were painted with eyebrow powder, which is painted, which also explains the name Powder Brows.

Powder Brows: Durability

Powder Brows are said to give eyebrows contour and shading for up to two years. Some studios even report a shelf life of up to three years. However, the general durability of the application always depends on the condition of the skin and its regeneration speed. For example, Powder Brows do not last as long on young and especially oily skin.

What should you consider with Powder Brows?

Under certain circumstances, allergic reactions to the colors used are possible – the cosmetics studio should explain this in advance. If you have any concerns, you can have an allergy test carried out beforehand. Sufficient time should also be taken beforehand to discuss the shape and color of the eyebrows.

How much do Powder Brows cost?

Each beauty salon naturally sets its own prices for the treatments. Ideally, the costs already include post-treatment of the Powder Brows. Basically, the price range for Powder Brows is between 350 and 600 USD – which, by the way, also corresponds to the price range for microblading.

What is the difference between Powder Brows and Microblading?

Powder Brows and Microblading are both treatment methods that use permanent makeup. However, they differ in application and result.


  • To create powder brows, the cosmetician uses a fine needle to prick the color pigments into the skin.
  • Microblading, on the other hand, uses a kind of small scalpel with which fine lines are scratched into the skin. These are filled with color and look accordingly like finely painted hairs. Microblading also lasts (depending on the condition of the skin) about two years. However, Microblading is often perceived more painful than the Powder Brows treatment.


  • Powder Brows actually look as if the eyebrows were made up. Expressive eyebrows are the result and especially with light skin types, the brows stand out much more. Gradually, however, the intensity of the application may decrease somewhat.
  • Microblading imitates the fine hairs and thus looks more natural. The Microblading technique can also be used to fill in bald spots.
  • So the type of application depends entirely on what you want to achieve. Sometimes combination methods are also offered in cosmetic studios: Microblading is used to “draw” hairs, and the Powder Brows method is used to place a gentle shading under the eyebrows.
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