Pay Attention to These 10 Details During Pregnancy

Undoubtedly, you pay attention to every detail to bring your baby to the world in a healthy and best way. To find the answers to the questions you have in mind, you either consult a specialist, ask your group of friends or connect to internet. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Filiz Candan Topuz answered 10 questions that were curious during pregnancy and made important warnings and suggestions.

Sleep Position

The sleep position before the seventh month depends on your preference. But after the 7th month, sleep on your left side. Because the blood is more comfortable to return to the heart, the main artery, the pressure on the aorta is decreasing. Otherwise, your breath may contract depending on the pressure of the baby.

House Painting

Especially in the first three months, non-water based paints may cause discomfort. Therefore, it is useful to stay away from the place where the paint is done, 24-48 hours. Pregnancy in the first three months, especially because of the sensitivity of the fragrance, especially pregnant women with severe nausea, should be very careful about it.

Increase in Cellulite

Cellulites are very much related to fast weight gain and excess fat in the short term. For this reason, gaining controlled weight during pregnancy, consuming plenty of fluids, paying attention to approximately 3 liters of fluid per day, doing sports (swimming, walking, pregnancy yoga, pilates etc. accompanied by a specialist) can prevent cellulite formation. On the other hand, it is beneficial to stay away from cycling as it can damage the abdomen and pelvic muscles.

Using of Artificial Sweeteners

Stay away from artificial sweeteners, especially in the first 3 months of your pregnancy. In the following months, it has not been reported that it is harmful to use 3-4 pieces per day. However, after a while, different studies related to this may occur. Therefore, it is useful to be cautious.

Not Feeling The Baby’s Kicks

The baby’s movements are felt at 18-20 weeks in the first pregnancy and 16-18 weeks in the second and the following pregnancies. This is related to the baby’s weight reaching 400-500 grams. At 32 weeks, usually the baby’s butt is below. For this reason, pregnant women feel movements at the bottom. After 32 weeks of gestation, the movements are lower and the movements are felt above.

Raw Meat Consumption During Pregnancy

Be very careful in terms of microbes that are transmitted by raw meat and can reproduce in raw meat. Because the immune system of pregnant women differs, a food that does not affect anyone in the family can cause problems in pregnant women.

Hot Bathing

Any kind of warm environment like baths, saunas and hot springs cause expansion of blood vessels in pregnant women and can cause blood pressure to drop. Normally, people can be resistant to hypotension in this way while pregnant women may feel dizzy and faint. Sulfur in the hot springs can also cause discomfort. Therefore, avoid excessive heat.

Having a Cat at Home

This is not a problem if pets at home have vaccinations. Diseases transmitted in this way can be screened with tests performed in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, even if their vaccination is complete, pets can carry some microbes to us. If the tests done in the first three months are found to have these diseases, you will not have any problems, but be careful against the risk of recurrence of the infection.

Passing through the X-Ray device

Since the security control doors are metal scanners, there is no problem passing through. However, if you report that you are pregnant, security guards will help you.

Having nightmares at night

Sleeping excessively full can cause discomfort and turn your dreams into a nightmare. It is also very important not to eat heavy fatty and hard-to-digest meals for dinner, to fall asleep in a well-ventilated room and a comfortable bed. If your daily stress and intense work pace started to be troublesome, it is beneficial not to work after 32 weeks.

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