Painting Stones: Great Decoration for Home and Garden!

Not only children love beautiful stones. Whether large or small – stones can also be designed creatively. We show you how to paint your stones.

Painting stones

Stones have a calm and permanence that makes them incredibly attractive to us. Especially as a decoration in the room they beautify the apartment and give us a warm feeling.

With paint or pencils you can design stones individually and have suitable motives for every season to choose from.

First of all, think about which patterns appeal to you and how you want to paint your stones: from acrylic to garden decoration to mandala – the possibilities are endless!

Tip: Waterproof pens are perfect for beginners, as they are more stable in the hand and produce beautiful patterns. You can then get to grips with brushes and acrylic paints.

It’s best to take a look at Pinterest. Here you will get countless inspirations for great painted stones!

What do I need for this?

  • Stones
  • Document (e.g. paper or newspaper)
  • Waterproof pens


  • Acrylic colors
  • Brushes
  • Water

Painting stones with pens: 5 useful tips!

  • Choice of stones: Already when collecting a stone you can consider which shapes can be painted nicely. Smooth and large stones have the advantage that you have enough space for your patterns. Light stones can be painted with the full colour spectrum of pens. With darker stones, light colours come out better. By the way: You can find a selection of trendy decorative stones that are great for painting at Amazon.
  • Preparing the stones: Before you start painting – clean the stones carefully. With the bristles of an old toothbrush or simply a brush you can remove dirt from the surface. With water and a cloth, you can also easily remove stuck sand pigments.
  • Primer: Especially with a dark stone it makes sense to apply several coats and start with a solid primer. Bright and soft colours like yellow come out much better! But let the colours dry first before you apply a second coat or paint around them with another colour.
  • Different pencils: For a small stone or detailed dot painting, it is important that you also have thinner pencils available. A comprehensive set of 16 waterproof colours is available from Amazon.
  • Clear varnish to strengthen: So that you can enjoy your work of art for a long time, ideally use transparent clear varnish. This way the paint stays fresh for a long time. Especially if you use the stones as garden decoration, this is a factor not to be underestimated.

Painting stones with acrylic colours: What do I have to consider?

  • Different brushes: As with the pens, it is very important with acrylic to use both fine and wider brushes. Especially for the small details you need a narrow painting brush. Once you have painted them, start with the larger areas and then move on to the punctual decorations as soon as the colour becomes less.
  • Use pallet: Put your colors on a palette and have easy access to all desired shades and also get a good control over the dosage. A popular 12 brush set including two palettes can be found at Amazon.
  • Patience: Especially if you see many fascinating templates as decoration at Pinterest, there is a risk that you, as a beginner, will be dissatisfied with your result. Painting is art and therefore requires a lot of practice and a certain skill. If you stay on the ball, you will soon be creating wonderful colour patterns yourself. To stay motivated, it’s best to choose a theme that inspires you: Christmas, sea or animals – you’re sure to find a suitable motif!
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