Neck Tension: You Can Do That!

Neck tension are unpleasant, painful and cannot always be relieved with home remedies. We inform you about the triggers and what you can do about it.

How does neck tension occur?

Usually neck tensions occur overnight. Already when we wake up, the neck area, cervical spine and shoulders feel as if a weight weighing tons is lying on them and we feel the hardening. Then just a small turn of the head is enough and it stings the neck – typical signs of neck tension.

And while you’re standing in the shower and letting the hot jet of water run down your hard-as-nails muscles, your thoughts turn to the possible reasons for the pain: sweating and getting a draft? Sitting too long at the open window or at the computer? Lifting the wrong way? Often it is actually one of these causes. And then the tension in the neck and shoulder is forgotten after a few days at the latest.

But unfortunately it is not always that easy. In many affected people, the neck muscles harden again and again – and they cannot explain it. Often the neck tension becomes a permanent condition, the shoulders feel rock hard, the head hurts (keyword: tension headache!) and can hardly be moved to the side. And not only the general mobility suffers from this, but also the psyche.

Organic causes are rare

Sometimes a few simple home remedies for neck pain help to combat the symptoms. Often, however, the causes of neck tension lie deeper. Organic problems such as the natural wear and tear on intervertebral discs, thoracic spine, atlas vertebrae, tendons and joints usually play only a minor role – this is the experience of doctors and physiotherapists who treat muscle tension and posture problems.

Much worse, however, are everyday habits that make people ill, such as crooked sitting, poor posture or incorrect sports. Constant neck pain can also be a sign of a seemingly inextricable tangle of causes and effects: mental pressure, a tense posture, shoulder pain, tension, even more pain …

Neck tension: The most common triggers in everyday life


Back bent, shoulders forward – some people spend the whole day in this position, especially if they work a lot at their desk or at the computer and also sit a lot in their free time. Even children today have problems with neck, head and back pain. The best remedies: take a short break more often, stretch your arms above your head, walk around a few steps. In between, sit up straight and pull your shoulders back slightly without cramping. Change your sitting position from time to time.

Wrong sport

Going to the gym after work, lifting heavy dumbbells, sweating a lot – this may train the circulation, but it puts the muscles under even more stress. Take it slow: You can also keep fit by walking or swimming.

Twisted vertebrae

Some people are born with scoliosis – some vertebrae are twisted inwards or outwards and the spine bends slightly to the right or left at this point. This is a congenital postural defect that can lead to tension in the shoulder and neck. However, these complaints can be significantly reduced through physiotherapy.


Diseases such as inflammation of the shoulders and spine or nerve irritation can also cause neck pain. Therefore: If it does not get better soon and simple remedies do not help, it is essential to have a medical examination.

Get rid of neck tension

“Why don’t you do something for yourself?” Easy to say. Of course, family, friends or colleagues don’t automatically become peaceful because you regularly go to the sauna or to Tai Chi and are already much more relaxed. And even a marriage crisis can hardly be solved in this way. But it’s a start, and the aching neck will always get better if you do something for yourself, put on a neck pillow – and allow yourself some rest and relaxation.

Because nothing works at the push of a button. Most people first have to learn again how muscles, cervical vertebrae and joints react when you sit or move in a certain way. Physiotherapists work with their patients primarily on the perception of their own body: How is it doing in the usual sitting position? What happens when I shift the centre of gravity and straighten my back? When do I retract my head and push my shoulders forward? Relaxation techniques such as Feldenkrais, yoga or autogenic training also help to make posture and movement conscious.

Here’s what you can do for neck tension

  • A warm bath (for about 20 minutes) helps to calm down and relaxes the muscles. Bath additives with herbs and aromatic oils (e.g. neroli, ylang-ylang) enhance the beneficial effect.
  • Sauna or steam bath do good for body and soul; the heat also helps against neck tension. When taking a cold shower afterwards, leave out the tense areas so that the muscles do not harden again immediately.
  • The cherry stone sack (or neck pillow) is warmed up in the oven and then placed on the painful area. It is particularly suitable as a warming compress for the night.
  • Warming plasters and special ointments help against the discomfort in the neck area around the atlas vertebra and the thoracic spine when there is no time for anything else (pharmacy).
  • A millet cushion supports shoulder and neck muscles, absorbs skin moisture and adapts to the natural posture of the body. A good relaxation aid for all those who often “lose their way” at night and wake up with neck pain.
  • Gentle sports like swimming, cycling or slow running relax and train the shoulder and back muscles and help against neck tension. They also relieve pain and stress and have a positive effect on the psyche. Important: If it becomes too strenuous, stop immediately! Nevertheless, the most important thing to do to relieve tension is a simple workout – moving instead of sitting is the motto. Special neck exercises also help and prevent further tensions.

No improvement in sight? So the doctor can help you

  • Painkiller injections: Infusions and tablets as well as medication for muscle tension help to break the cycle of pain, tension and even worse pain. Without this first step with the doctor, treatment would often not be possible at all.
  • Massages are also prescribed as an immediate remedy for severe tension or back pain.
  • In addition to massages, acupuncture relieves acute pain in the muscles, but can also work against the cause of the tension in the long term. As a pain therapy, the treatment is at least partially paid for by the health insurance companies.
  • Manual medicine: Chiropractic and osteopathy can be used to release blockages in the joints and muscle tension. Doctors and physiotherapists need special training and a lot of experience to do this – it’s best to ask before you seek treatment.
  • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy helps you to become aware of postural errors and then avoid them. It is almost always necessary to treat the complaints over a longer period of time. Up to now, physiotherapy has been paid for by most health insurance companies on medical prescription.

This is why it is so important to release neck tension

It’s actually quite good that tense muscles hurt. Because with pain the body sounds the alarm in time. Listen to such signals and go to the doctor in time to have the causes of neck tension examined and receive treatment. Otherwise, various health problems can arise, including, for example:

  • Headaches: When the head hurts, it is usually caused by tense neck muscles. Many people try to counteract this with painkillers, but they do little to relieve the muscle tension. Over time, the headache gets worse and worse, you may take more and more painkillers and this can have serious consequences in the long run (drug headaches, kidney damage). Better are neck exercises for the tense neck muscles – your head will thank you for it.
  • Breathing and voice disorders: If the neck is permanently tense, the respiratory tract, masticatory muscles and vocal cords also tense up. For people who always breathe very shallowly and have a slightly compressed, fragile or breathing voice, permanent neck tension is often the cause. If the muscles there are softer again, the unpleasant grinding of teeth during the night often improves.
  • An inflammation in the shoulder joint can occur when the shoulder is hardly moved at all because of the pain and the joint is not “lubricated” enough. The tendons are then also more susceptible to calcification, but this is partially receded when the inflammation is treated in the body.
  • Problems with the intervertebral discs also occur in the upper part of the spine. The reason: the tense (and therefore shorter) muscles compress the vertebrae. The intervertebral discs then no longer receive enough nutrients and become thinner and more fragile in the long run.
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