Microwave Cleaning Hack Using Just Vinegar and Water

Are you tired of staring at the stubborn stains and lingering odors in your microwave? If scrubbing and conventional cleaners haven’t been doing the trick, it’s time to try a simple yet powerful hack that will transform your microwave from a grimy mess to a sparkling clean oasis. Introducing the ultimate microwave cleaning hack: vinegar and water – a natural, eco-friendly solution that will leave your microwave looking and smelling fresh as new.

Why Vinegar and Water for Microwave Cleaning?

When it comes to cleaning microwaves, vinegar and water are a dynamic duo that packs a serious punch. Not only are they natural and eco-friendly ingredients, but they’re also incredibly effective at tackling even the toughest stains and odors. Plus, they’re affordable and readily available, making this cleaning hack a cost-effective and convenient choice.

The Power of Vinegar

Vinegar is a versatile cleaning agent that has been used for centuries. Its acidic nature helps break down grease, grime, and baked-on food particles, making it an excellent choice for microwave cleaning. Additionally, vinegar is a natural deodorizer, helping to eliminate those unpleasant smells that often linger in microwaves.

The Cleaning Prowess of Steam

When combined with water and heated in the microwave, vinegar creates steam – a powerful ally in the battle against microwave grime. The hot, moist steam penetrates deep into the crevices and corners of the microwave, loosening and softening stubborn stains, making them easier to wipe away.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Vinegar and Water Microwave Cleaning Hack

Now that you understand the science behind this cleaning hack, let’s dive into the step-by-step process.

Supplies Needed

  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • A microwave-safe bowl or measuring cup

Step 1: Mix the Vinegar and Water Solution

In your microwave-safe bowl or measuring cup, combine equal parts vinegar and water. For most standard-sized microwaves, a mixture of 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water should suffice. If you have a larger microwave or particularly stubborn stains, you may want to increase the ratio slightly.

Step 2: Microwave the Solution

Carefully place the vinegar and water solution in the microwave and set the timer for 5-7 minutes on high power. This will allow the liquid to heat up and create a steam bath that will unleash its cleaning prowess on those pesky stains and odors.

Safety Precaution: Exercise caution when removing the hot solution from the microwave, as the steam can cause burns. Use oven mitts or a dish towel to protect your hands.

Step 3: Let the Solution Work Its Wonders

Once the microwave cycle is complete, resist the temptation to open the door immediately. Instead, let the steam continue to work its cleaning miracles for an additional 5-10 minutes. This will allow the steam to penetrate deeper into the microwave’s nooks and crannies, further loosening any remaining grime.

Step 4: Wipe Down the Microwave Interior

After waiting for the appropriate amount of time, open the microwave door and prepare to be amazed! Use a clean, damp cloth or paper towels to wipe down the interior surfaces of the microwave, including the walls, ceiling, turntable, and door. The steam will have softened any baked-on messes, making them easier to wipe away without excessive scrubbing.

For stubborn stains that may remain, you can dip your cloth or paper towel into the vinegar and water solution for an extra cleaning boost.

Tips and Tricks for Better Microwave Cleaning Results

While the vinegar and water hack is incredibly effective on its own, there are a few additional tips and tricks you can employ to ensure even better cleaning results:

Frequency of Cleaning

Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your microwave in top shape. Aim to perform this cleaning hack at least once a month, or more frequently if you use your microwave regularly. Staying on top of regular cleaning will prevent the buildup of stubborn, caked-on messes.

Dealing with Tough Stains

For particularly stubborn stains or burnt-on food remnants, you may need to repeat the vinegar and water steam treatment a few times. Alternatively, you can try letting the vinegar and water solution sit in the microwave for an extended period (up to an hour) before wiping it down.

Maintaining a Fresh-Smelling Microwave

To keep your microwave smelling fresh and inviting, try placing a small bowl of baking soda inside and leaving it there when not in use. The baking soda will help absorb any lingering odors, keeping your microwave smelling clean and pleasant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Despite the simplicity of this cleaning hack, you may still have a few questions or concerns. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common queries:

Can I use any type of vinegar?

While white vinegar is the most commonly used and recommended type for cleaning purposes, you can also use apple cider vinegar or other types of vinegar. However, it’s best to avoid using flavored or highly pigmented vinegars, as they may leave behind unwanted stains or odors.

Is it safe to use vinegar in the microwave?

Yes, vinegar is safe to use in the microwave when mixed with water and used for cleaning purposes. Just be cautious when removing the hot solution from the microwave, as the steam can cause burns.

How often should I clean my microwave?

It’s recommended to clean your microwave at least once a month, or more frequently if you use it regularly for cooking or reheating food. Regular cleaning will prevent the buildup of stubborn stains and odors.

Can I use this cleaning hack on other appliances?

Absolutely! The vinegar and water steam cleaning method can be effective for cleaning various appliances, such as ovens, stovetops, and even dishwashers. Just be sure to adjust the quantities of vinegar and water accordingly based on the size of the appliance.


Say goodbye to scrubbing and harsh chemicals when it comes to microwave cleaning. The vinegar and water hack is a game-changer, offering a natural, eco-friendly, and highly effective solution for tackling even the most stubborn stains and odors. With just a few simple ingredients and a bit of patience, you can transform your microwave into a sparkling clean oasis, making meal prep and reheating a breeze.

Embrace this ultimate microwave cleaning hack and experience the power of vinegar and water firsthand. Not only will your microwave look and smell fresh, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve achieved a spotless clean using natural, affordable ingredients.

So, what are you waiting for? Gather your supplies, follow the step-by-step guide, and get ready to enjoy a microwave that looks and smells as good as new. Don’t forget to share your microwave cleaning success stories and spread the word about this incredible hack!

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