Mayr Cure: Weight Loss Through a Colon Cleansing

The Mayr cure is a naturopathic method of intestinal rehabilitation, which is also intended to make weight loss easier. Find out here how the cure works and what it brings!

What is the Mayr cure?

The Mayr cure (named after its inventor Franz Xaver Mayr or FX Mayr for short) is a naturopathic fasting method for intestinal rehabilitation and purification of the human organism. However, many patients also use it in the form of a diet to lose weight. The Mayr cure is best carried out under medical supervision.

How does the Mayr cure work?

There are three phases of the Mayr cure, which all require a lot of discipline:

  • Therapeutic Fasting
  • Milk Diet
  • Mild bland diet (diet on discharge)

1. Therapeutic fasting with tea

During the first one to two weeks of the Mayr cure, the diet consists of water and herbal tea, which is a strict form of therapeutic fasting. Those who cannot fight hunger, however, may also eat at least some vegetable broth at lunchtime during this phase.

2. Milk diet

The milk diet, which is on the programme in week three to about week six, is probably the best known phase of the Mayr cure. It is also known as the Semmel-Milch-Kur. After getting up, you drink about a quarter of a litre of warm water on an empty stomach, mixed with a teaspoon of Epsom salts. Afterwards, experts advise light exercise, for example a 30-minute walk.

Afterwards, breakfast is on the programme, which is what the bread and milk cure owes its name to: there is an old-fashioned bread roll (usually white flour or spelt), which should be chewed well and slowly. Spoonfuls of milk are drunk with it. Lunch also consists of a bread roll and milk, and in the evening only tea may be drunk – also by the spoonful.

3. The mild bland diet

From around week six, the last phase of the Mayr cure begins with the so-called “derivative diet”. Now a light diet is on the menu. In this case, this includes ripe fruit, lots of cooked and steamed vegetables (little or no raw vegetables), fat and salt. In contrast to the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society, wholemeal products should be avoided completely during the Mayr-Kur.

Is the Mayr cure really working?

Since the Mayr cure was developed as a holistic health concept, rapid weight loss is only one of several positive effects. Extensive chewing, for example, stimulates digestion. Toxins are to be flushed out of the body by the consciously gentle diet, thereby purifying the blood and cleansing the intestines. Studies also show that the diet can improve the immune system.

Advantages of the diet

  • Several positive health effects
  • Harmless under medical supervision
  • A lot of protein through the bread and milk cure – this reduces the risk of the JoJo effect

Disadvantages of the Mayr cure

  • Much discipline needed
  • High costs for inpatient treatment
  • Only applicable in the short term

So that the kilos lost through the Mayr cure do not nevertheless return, a subsequent change in diet should be made, consisting of lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meat, whole grain and dairy products.

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