Losing Weight with Tea: These 3 Types of Tea Help You to Slim

We explain how to lose weight with these three types of tea.

Losing Weight with Tea

You want to lose a few kilos quickly and easily? Then these three delicious teas are super helpers for you! Because these teas are not only convincing in taste – with the herbs, fruits and spices they contain, the teas will boost your metabolism and help you to lose weight.

The application is very simple: you just have to prepare a cup of the tea regularly and drink it. Which of the three slimming teas is your favourite?

1. Mate-Tea

Mate tea stops your hunger and mixed with cardamom, which aids digestion, and cranberries, which help you lose fat, helps you slim. The slimming effect also works in other blends, such as mate in combination with nettle, dandelion and rose petals.

2. Spice Tea

Spicy tea with a mixture of coriander, cardamom and mace stimulates digestion and strengthens the stomach and intestines. Food is processed faster and lands less on your hips.

3. Ginger Hibiscus Tea

This tea is a turbo for your fat burning. The three slimming helpers are vitamin C from the lemon, the pungent substances of the ginger and the hibiscus tea, which has a slightly draining and purifying effect. A real dream team for your slimming program. And best of all: you can simply prepare it yourself.

Pour a small piece of ginger, the juice of half an organic lemon and its peel with one and a half tablespoons of hibiscus tea with 500 ml of boiling water and let the mixture steep for about 5 minutes. Then pour off through a fine sieve. Cold and warm – a real treat!

Lose Weight with The Plate Trick – It is so Easy!

There are a lot of diets and nutritional concepts. However, most of them are very extensive and exhausting to follow. How ingenious would it be if there was a simple trick that would let you lose weight virtually on the side? The good news is that there is – and that is the plate trick!

Here’s how it works: From now on, always use a smaller plate when eating – that’s it! Sounds totally banal, but it really works so easily and so well. Because: A small plate is full faster, so we don’t get so upset when we fill our plate. We have always gotten into the habit of eating with an empty plate – and if we have taken a smaller plate, we automatically eat less. What our brain doesn’t know is that this smaller portion also makes us full. If we eat from large plates, we usually tend to eat too much. Just give it a try …

Slimming Down on Purpose? Many People Make This Mistake!

Around the turn of the year many women (and also men) again decide to lose weight. However, most of them make a mistake that later leads to failure – they want to lose weight for the wrong reasons.

If you have the New Year’s resolution to lose weight, you should really want to lose weight of your own accord! All too many people look for a good resolution at the turn of the year and quickly end up with the classic: “Oh yes, a few kilos less would also be good – in the New Year I want to lose weight!

However, those who approach the matter in this way are only half-heartedly behind their intentions – and so the probability that the good intentions will fizzle out in the course of the coming weeks is very high. On the contrary, if you really want to lose weight, you should listen to your inner self: Is that really what I want? What is my motivation? Do I feel urged to do so by anyone? Do I really mean it? Whoever finds the (correct) answers to these questions will certainly be able to lose weight successfully in the new year.

Losing Weight – A Popular New Year’s Resolution

Quitting smoking, spending more time with your family or finally taking a step back from work – there are plenty of good intentions for the New Year. But one of the most classic is the resolution: “I want to lose weight in the New Year!”

If you are one of those who want to tackle the body weight project in 2020, you will find plenty of ideas and tips on the most popular diets and nutritional concepts. You’re sure to find the right thing for you, but don’t forget: the important thing is that it suits you!

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