Losing Weight Correctly: 6 Effective Tips

To follow a diet and maintain weight in the long term requires discipline and the observance of certain rules. We tell you which tips you can use to lose weight properly.

Losing weight correctly: Background

Whether you want to lose 2 kilos or 20 kilos, every diet requires certain principles that you have to implement in order to really lose the desired pounds.

Maybe you have tried different diets yourself, but always desperately gave up in the end? If you want to lose weight properly and keep your diet under control, you should take the following tips to heart.

Losing weight correctly: 6 effective tips

  1. Your why: We have many goals in life – some we pursue stubbornly, others we let slide. Why is that? Naturally, it is our drive to achieve a goal. If it seems too unrealistic or too unimportant, we don’t start at all. In order for you to follow a balanced diet in the long term, and perhaps also to go to the gym regularly, you need a huge reason to lose weight.
  2. Eat consciously: How often do you sit at the table and focus only on your food? And how often do you watch TV, work on your e-mails or read magazines on the side? Even if it’s old hat: You should chew every bite about 25 times. This will also reduce the feeling of fullness and satiation is more likely to occur.
  3. Food choice: Whether you are on a low-carb diet or interval fasting, if you follow certain dietary rules, there is always the danger of overdoing it and slipping into an overly one-sided diet. At the same time, there is the problem that you resort to certain diet products, which are not necessarily helpful. For example, many low-fat products have a lot of sugar and many low-carb products have too much fat. You can find out how to create a healthy diet plan here.
  4. More proteins: Proteins make you full and keep you full. Your body also uses energy to digest proteins, so you can even burn a few calories through digestion. If you also go to the gym and don’t want to lose your muscles through a diet, there’s no getting around protein.
  5. Slight calorie deficit: Of course you can also go on crash diets to lose weight, but this is not particularly sustainable. What’s the point of losing a few pounds quickly and suffering daily agonies if your diet is adjusted again in the medium term anyway. A slight calorie deficit of 300-500 calories is ideal for losing kilos, still getting through the day well and thus staying in shape for the long term.
  6. Exercise: No matter whether you hate sports or not, if you want to live a healthy and slim life in the long term, there is no getting around some exercise. Especially if you want to lose weight, you are probably not one of those people who are slim by nature and never feel like gaining weight. You don’t need to go to the gym for two hours every other day, but choose a sport that you follow every week and create an awareness of walking stairs and short distances in everyday life.

Avoid these 5 mistakes

  1. Drinking sugary drinks: soft drinks, fruit juices, alcohol
  2. Just doing endurance sports: Combination with weight training burns more calories
  3. Wrong environment: associate with people who also pay attention to nutrition
  4. Goals too high: Set yourself small, realistic goals every week and stay on the ball
  5. Demonize carbohydrates: Carbohydrates give you energy. Go for complex carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, wholemeal products) instead of sugar.
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