Lose Weight: This is how the 30-second diet trick helps you

Do you want to lose weight and are you looking for the perfect motivation? How the 30 second diet trick can help you lose weight.

Lose weight: Here’s how the 30-second diet trick

It’s an exciting result for anyone who wants to lose weight: A study by Oxford University found that just a 30-second consultation with a doctor can help you lose weight. More than 1,800 overweight people were examined. In a consultation, the doctor said to them: “I would like to talk to you about your weight”. In addition, a free weight loss programme was recommended to the participants. They were then weighed regularly by their doctor.

The weight loss results were impressive: The test persons were able to reduce their body weight by up to 10 percent.

Apparently the medical advice helped a lot to motivate them to lose weight. Of course, the medical advice alone was not enough to reduce the kilos. The decisive factors were the balanced diet and the additional nutrition. However, the medical assistance provided by the regular weighing helped the participants in the trial to maintain their weight loss target.

Losing weight can go better together

Conclusion: If you want to lose weight and find it hard to do so, you can increase your chances of achieving your desired weight if you let yourself be accompanied along the way. Whether a doctor, a nutritional coach or a weight loss group – everyone can find out for themselves what works best. For example, meet and weigh briefly once a week and the kilos fall much better. And with so much support, losing weight is fun in the best case!

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