Juice fasting cleanses from the inside, supports digestion and quickly gives us more energy – but does it work?
What is juice fasting?
Juice fasting is a form of therapeutic fasting and at first glance appears to be somewhat easier than other fasting plans, since not only water and herbal tea are on the menu, but also fruit and vegetable juices. Up to seven glasses of juice are drunk throughout the day. The aim of juice fasting is to relieve the digestion, boost the metabolism and thus increase the sense of well-being.
What distinguishes juice fasting from other fasting methods?
In comparison with other fasting cures, juice fasting cures are usually shorter and are only carried out over a weekend. However, here too, it is important to stimulate the circulation and to supplement the cure with exercise (ideally in the fresh air!) or beneficial massages.
How juice fasting works
The planned seven glasses of juice per day correspond to about one to one and a half litres. In addition, two to three litres of water should be drunk, which can also be partly replaced by unsweetened herbal tea. Altogether one reaches with the juice chamfering daily approximately 300 to 750 calories, which is to facilitate staying through. Ideally, the juices should be freshly squeezed, so that as many nutrients as possible are contained. In order not to strain the stomach too much, the juices are drunk in small sips. If you are fighting a strong hunger, you can also stir in some oat or linseed mucilage.
What are the benefits of juice fasting?
Juice fasting should be accomplished primarily not as diet, but as possibility of supporting the digesting and thus the body a little and of reconsidering its nourishing way: Constantly desire on sweet, here and there a snack and full is one at the end nevertheless not – juice fasting can be the ideal entrance for a nourishing conversion and perhaps even more Fitness.
We will lose a few kilos in the days of the juice cure of course nevertheless, but this is based above all on the loss of water and is by no means a measure to reduce weight permanently! In the long run, the one-sided cure could lead to a lack of certain nutrients.
Especially when the juice is freshly squeezed, the nutrients it contains can have a positive effect on our general well-being. Depending on the type of juice we can achieve different effects. The following juices can increase our well-being:
- Juices with pomegranate can improve prostate values.
- Cherry juice supports the elimination of uric acid, which can alleviate rheumatic and gout problems.
- Grapefruit juice keeps the blood sugar level constant and can thus ensure that we do not gain weight.
Can juice fasting also have disadvantages?
Since the juice cure is only carried out over a short period of time, deficiency symptoms are unlikely due to the unbalanced diet. However, various minor complaints can occur because the body is supplied with considerably fewer calories than usual. Possible symptoms are:
- Shivering
- Headaches
- Circulatory problems
- Tiredness
During juice fasting you also absorb a lot of fructose and acid. Whoever suffers from an intolerance or has a sensitive stomach could get diarrhoea or heartburn as a result of the cure. It can help to switch to juices that only contain vegetables.
What comes after the juice fast?
The fasting is usually ended with the so-called breaking of the fast. However, the digestive tract should not be immediately burdened with fatty foods again after the fasting cure, but should first be given light and gentle meals. Grated apples and steamed vegetables, for example, are suitable.
Who should refrain from juice fasting?
Juice fasting is not suitable for everyone. Patients with an eating disorder, diabetes or heart disease should avoid juice fasting.
Juice fasting in check
Whether the juices are freshly squeezed at home or you order a juice cure at home is naturally up to you – our beauty editor has tried the “Juice Cleanse Starter” and kept a fasting diary:
A friend of mine asked me if we would like to juice fast together for three days. Before the first day, I first have to adjust my diet and my body to the days ahead. This means on the day of relief: no alcohol, no coffee and nothing that would unnecessarily strain my stomach. I received the 18 juices a few days earlier and stored them in my fridge. They were mainly fruit and vegetable juices, unpleasant varieties like sauerkraut juice were not included.
Juice fasting day 1:
First I drink a green juice with apples, cucumber, spinach and other green stuff in it. Tastes quite good, although I’m more of a cereal type in the morning and tart smoothies are too strong for me. Only two hours later I’m already allowed to sip the next juice. This is how the day takes its course: Every two hours I open a new juice, which always contains other tasty fruits and vegetables, and thus bear the first day of fasting well.
No cravings despite a juice cure
I have been spared from increased appetite, which is also due to the rather high sugar content of the juices. So I don’t even think about chocolate or other stimulants. At the end of the day I drink the sweetest of all juices with cashew, vanilla and cinnamon. This one satiates for the night.
Juice fasting day 2:
I wake up and I’m full of energy. I do not have dark circles under my eyes or a tired appearance today. On the contrary: I feel fresh and want to go through the second day with the juice cure. Every two hours I drink my drinks in the same order and still don’t get a stomach growl. The only thing I notice is that I suddenly have so much time left over because cooking and eating is no longer necessary! I ask my lunch date if we wouldn’t like to go for a walk in the fresh air instead of sitting in the canteen.
I suddenly perceive smells much stronger through the juice cure and could become so weak. In the afternoon I get a slight headache, which is due to the fact that I am totally on withdrawal from my body. Due to the high fluid intake (I have been drinking up to six litres a day) all pollutants are flushed out, so I often have to go to the toilet. In the evening I prefer to make myself comfortable on the couch instead of meeting friends who all eat merrily while I suck on one of my juices.
Juice fasting day 3:
I’m on the home stretch and already a little proud of myself to have made it this long without solid food. Because for me this challenge is not about losing weight, but about purifying and seeing if I am strong enough to endure the days without chocolate and co. Unfortunately I am totally cold and I am freezing. But that doesn’t stop me from sipping my juices one last time. By the way, one of my favorite drinks is the one with lemon, cayenne and turmeric. It’s nice and spicy and boosts my metabolism. Unfortunately I feel a bit bloated by the amount of juices.
Better nutrition after the juice cure?
After my last juice I can hardly wait to chew and eat something proper. And that was actually one of my best moments: the first meal after the cure. You taste much more intense, even if you should start slowly and gently. Great side effect: I hardly need any coffee after the juice cure and I also have no appetite for sweets.
Let’s see how long it stays like that. I feel fresher, more active and hardly need any concealer (and it is actually always used). I would also try a juice cure a second time, but only during the week and when I know that no big dates or events are coming up.