Is Your Weight Healthy? Take This 30-Second Test To Find Out

According to studies, a look at the BMI is not always enough to draw conclusions about health. With the 30-second test you can find out whether your weight is still healthy.

BMI only meaningful to a limited extent

When it comes to determining overweight, the Body Mass Index is considered the measure of all things. However, as experts from the “University of California” have now found out, the BMI says nothing about a person’s state of health. According to this, even people who suffer from overweight can be in perfect health. Weak point of the BMI calculator: The result does not tell us how the weight of muscles, fat and water is distributed in the body.

To know whether your weight is still healthy, you should measure your waist circumference or take the following simple test. After all, an ample hip indicates an increased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Is your weight okay? This is how the test works!

  1. Cut a string or tape to the length that corresponds to your height.
  2. Fold the string once in half.
  3. Put the folded string around your waist.
  4. If the ends now overlap, your waist is less than half your height. That’s good. Is the string quite tight to the body? Then it’s time for some exercise.

If you want to know exactly, take a tape measure anyway. According to the DGE, a waist circumference of 88 centimetres for women and 102 centimetres for men represents a potential risk of inflammation in the body.

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