Ideal Weight: 6 Habits That People with Top Form Have in Common

What do people who have reached their personal feel-good weight have in common? A team of experts from Cornell University addressed this question.

Those who want to reach their desired weight usually rely on various diets, tight workout programs or a holistic change of diet. But what do people who have reached their personal feel-good weight really have in common? Experts from the “Cornell Food and Brand Lab” in New York have identified commonalities by examining the lifestyle of 147 test persons. Here are six habits that people with healthy weight share:

1. No waiving of breakfast

Instead of rushing out of the house without breakfast and having a coffee to go on the way to work, you should take the time to enjoy a healthy meal. According to the study, 96 percent of those surveyed did so. The menu should include fruits, vegetables and proteins, because these foods give you energy and the vitamins you need. Here you will find healthy recipes for a perfect start to the day.

2. Being active

If you want to reach your feel-good weight, you have to be active. 42 percent of the test persons stated that they train five times a week. You do not have that much time at your disposal? Then try one of the following workouts, which burn the most calories.

Either way, the important thing is to be generally active and get plenty of exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and run to your colleague instead of calling him. It’s the little things that slowly but surely make you fit.

3. Placing on the balance

Most people have a very special love-hate relationship with their scales, if they have one. If you want to keep your desired weight, you should still get used to weighing yourself. Because standing on the scales is another habit that people with a feel-good weight have in common. Half of all participants in the study said that they use it at least once a week.

4. Giving up diets

You’re always trying out new crash diets? Banana, cactus and slimming water are welcome tools for losing weight? Then let me tell you: Around 75 percent of those surveyed are not fans of specific diets and have never pursued one. This does not mean, of course, that they shovel everything into themselves at will. Instead, 92 percent said that they paid great attention to the food they eat.

5. Cooking by yourself

The be-all and end-all for a great weight is to cook for yourself – and not to resort to packaged and greasy food. The majority of the study participants stated that they eat at home every evening. It is important to eat vegetables and lean meat in particular to make the dinner as healthy as possible. Seven percent of the respondents also lived as vegetarians.

6. Just listen…

…what the body is saying. Because it usually shows you when it’s had enough. …or what kind of food it needs. 44 percent of those surveyed only ate when they felt hungry and not at a fixed time. They also avoided processed foods as far as possible – and instead opted for high-quality, unprocessed food.

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