How Your Birth Month Affects Your Health

Can your birth month influence how healthy you will live in future? Supposedly it can, if you believe the latest findings of a British study.

How the birth month affects your health

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have found that the month of birth has a decisive influence on one’s own health in adulthood. The experts examined around 450,000 people in Great Britain for their study – and published their findings in the magazine “Heliyon”.

The result of the study: babies who are born in June, July and August weigh more and are later significantly larger than babies born in other seasons. In addition, the experts were able to prove that summer children not only reach puberty later, but are generally healthier. This is especially true for girls. They attributed the link between the month of birth and health to the fact that mothers receive more vitamin D during the summer months than women who are pregnant in the winter months.

“It is the first time that a link has been established between the onset of puberty and the month of birth,” study author John Perry said of the new findings.

Study results leave questions unanswered

The findings of the study nevertheless leave questions unanswered in some places: How is the month of birth related to the start of puberty? Can sunlight alone be the cause for a healthier development in adulthood? And if vitamin D is crucial – what about people from countries where the sun shines all year round?

Questions upon questions that need to be clarified in further research.

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