How to Relieve Gas in Babies Experiencing Gas Pain

Gas pains occur in about a quarter of babies, and this can become a problem that affects daily life over time. Families with gas problems in babies have nothing to worry about, because after all, baby gas pain is not a disease, it is a physiological adaptation process. In their mind, “Why does gas happen?” or “how to get rid of baby gas?” It is possible to talk about various methods and products for parents with question marks.

Many of the families who have gas problems in babies will make the solution of the baby’s daily gas problem a ritual because gas problem in babies can be experienced at any time of the day. Previously, parents only resort to methods such as applying baby burps, but they can also turn to options such as baby gas pills or gas drops for babies. So what to do, how to get rid of gas in babies, when does gas pain in babies pass? You can find answers to all your questions in this article.

What Causes Gas Pain in Babies?

Before going on to answer the questions such as when does gas pain in babies end, it is necessary to talk about the cause of this problem. Little babies, who come out of the mother’s womb and transition to a new world, go through some physiological adaptation stages in the adaptation process. One of them is gas. A newborn baby swallows air when it is started to be breastfed by its mother. The baby, who often swallows air during breastfeeding, also experiences some movements in his stomach and intestines. The cause of gas pains in babies can basically be summarized in this way. In other words, the question of what causes gas can be explained with physiological definitions.

Even recognizing the symptoms of gas pain can be worrisome for individuals who have just experienced parenting. Newborn gas pains may not be understood directly. What needs to be done is to notice the baby’s restlessness as early as possible. The baby, who pulls his legs towards his stomach during this time, can only show his pain in this way. Although gas pains are usually experienced in the evening hours, it will not be a surprise to be observed at any time of the day.

How to Relief Gas Pain in Babies?

It can be said that gas pains in babies are experienced intensely in the first three months and gradually disappear after three months. In other words, the question of when the gas pains in babies ends can be answered as “from the fourth month”. There are some actions that parents -especially mothers- should do and some precautions to take. If the necessary precautions are taken and attention is paid to certain situations, this process can be easily overcome.

In order not to experience the gas pain problem, first of all, preventive factors can be mentioned. For example, mothers can take a break every few minutes and burp their baby while breastfeeding. Small massages will be effective at this stage. In this way, both the baby will relax and the mother will breastfeed more easily. Babies who swallow more gas during bottle feeding may experience more gas pains. In order to prevent gas pains, the nipple or nipple of the bottle should be fully inserted into the mouth. The position of the baby is another factor that should be considered during breastfeeding. With the right breastfeeding techniques, the pains can be minimized.

In order to pass gas pains in babies or to eliminate gas pains, nursing mothers should pay attention to their nutrition, apply gas removal movements correctly and use aids such as baby oil in gas massage if necessary. Excessive gas causes can only be removed from being a problem in this way.

Foods to Avoid for Baby and Breastfeeding Mom to Avoid Gas

Before the questions of how the newborn baby’s gas comes out, answers can be sought to questions such as how to prevent the newborn baby’s gas. A mother who has just given birth should pay attention to her nutrition, but should not be overly worried. It is always important to consume all foods known to be healthy in moderation.

During this period, of course, it is necessary to stay away from unhealthy foods. There are also some foods that are said to cause gas. Vegetables such as broccoli, celery and leeks are among them. Dry beans, as it is known, are one of the main dishes that cause gas pain. On the other hand, fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit are also known to cause gas pain. These foods, each of which are useful foods on their own, should not be consumed for a while, as they will still cause gas pain.

Caffeine-containing and carbonated drinks are another food area that mothers should avoid. It is common for foods containing caffeine to cause gas in the baby. In addition, restlessness and discomfort are another of the benefits of these foods. Apart from these, foods that may cause allergies can also be included in the list of foods that the mother should avoid. These foods are also valid for expectant mothers who suffer from gas pains during pregnancy.

Some Soothing Moves

There are also some movements with gas massage to remove gas in babies. Mostly, if these movements are tried and no result is obtained, the baby gas massage stage is started.

When it comes to gas removal, the first thing that comes to mind is patting the back of the baby. In addition to patting, a warm shower according to the season may also be good for the baby. If you gently pull your baby’s legs towards his tummy, this movement can also relax the baby. In these cases, baby gas drops can also be used. But undoubtedly the most effective and surest way is considered gas massage. Parents who have questions such as how the newborn baby’s gas comes out can take these answers into consideration.

Gas Massage for Babies

Using products such as baby oil while doing gas massage for babies will be more relaxing for the baby. During baby massage, the left hand of the mother or father is placed under the baby’s belly button and the right hand is placed above the belly button. While rubbing slowly clockwise with one hand, watch counterclockwise with the other hand. Then the feet are held and slowly taken to the abdomen. In the next step, the abdomen is stroked from top to bottom. Finally, the baby is laid face down, the familiar back patting and rubbing the upper buttocks area is done. This massage is the best answer to the question of how to relief baby gas.

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