How To Prevent Recurrent Miscarriages

The occurrence of two or more losses in pregnancy is called a recurrent miscarriage. The cause of this loss is diabetes, clotting disorders, genetic structure, uterus structure or the lifestyle adopted by the expectant mother can also cause recurrent miscarriages.

Preventing recurrent miscarriages due to genetic disorders, certain diseases or environmental factors is one of the most important issues for prospective parents. To prevent recurrent miscarriages, it is important to identify the source of the problem, although the cause of the miscarriage is different. In this way, recurrent miscarriages can be prevented.

Unhealthy Lifestyle and Carelessness can Lead to Miscarriages

Even if there is no specific disease or genetic problem, recurrent miscarriages can occur, especially because of the unhealthy and careless lifestyle of the expectant mother. First of all, if the miscarriage is repeated during pregnancy, the cause should be investigated in detail and the necessary tests must be performed. However, sometimes we see recurrent miscarriages, even if everything is OK in terms of health. At this point, it’s very important what kind of lifestyle the mother is. The risk of miscarriage is much greater especially for expectant mothers who smoke. The first and simplest way to prevent recurrent miscarriages will be to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to avoid smoking, alcohol, unhealthy and hormonal foods. Each pregnancy proceeds differently. Therefore, the correct communication with the doctor is also vital.

No More Risk of Miscarriage in IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most important and effective solution for mothers who cannot get pregnant naturally for many reasons such as infertility, age of the expectant mother and the status of egg reserves. One of the most curious questions for IVF patients is how much is the risk of miscarriage.

The risk of miscarriage may be in normal pregnancy or in pregnancy with IVF. However, there is never a case where the risk of miscarriage is higher in IVF. In contrast, because the IVF method is a long process, the expectant mother is constantly under control. Naturally, she is in contact with more doctors than other expectant mothers. Therefore, some cases of miscarriages in IVF are noticed earlier, so they can be easier to prevent. It is also important that the expectant mother does not interrupt the doctor’s checks during the pregnancy to prevent recurrent miscarriages.

Because of recurrent miscarriages, expectant mothers should not despair. Because with the right diagnosis and treatment, this situation can be prevented.

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