How to Make Your Own Lipstick! (Cheap and Easy)

Did you know that you can easily make your own lipstick? Not only do you save money and can create the lipstick in your individual favorite color, you also know exactly what is in the lipstick and avoid questionable ingredients such as kerosenes and petroleum products. We explain how it works!

Make your own lipstick: Ingredients and instructions

  • 1 teaspoon shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon beeswax, e.g. from the health food store or beekeeper (vegan alternative: Japan wax)
  • natural color pigments
  • optional: 1 to 2 drops of essential oil (e.g. lavender oil, rose oil)
  • optional: a few drops of vitamin E oil

You will also need:

  • Pot and small bowl for a water bath
  • small whisk or milk frother
  • sterile jars, tins or lipstick cases

Attention: Use only organic quality ingredients for your lipstick. This will prevent your skin from coming into contact with pesticides.

Note on color pigments: To color the lipstick, you can stir in up to half a teaspoon of color pigments. If you want the shade to be a little softer, use fewer pigments. Natural color pigments are for example:

  • pure cocoa: brown
  • Raspberry powder: pink
  • Beet powder: red
  • Hibiscus flower powder: reddish brown
  • Cinnamon and turmeric: copper color
  • Orange powder: warm orange tone


  1. Melt beeswax, shea butter and almond oil in a water bath.
  2. Then stir in the color pigments. You can also mix several colors together. Mix the pigments carefully with a whisk or a milk frother so that a homogeneous mass is created. As soon as the color solidifies later, it loses some of its intensity – keep this in mind with the proportions!
  3. When the mass has cooled down a bit, you can add essential oil. This provides a pleasant scent. Caution: Some people are allergic to essential oils. It is best to test the essential oil in the crook of their arm beforehand and wait at least half an hour to see if a reaction occurs. You can also make the lipstick last longer with a few drops of vitamin E oil.
  4. Finally, fill the lipstick into a sterile jar or small container. Now all you have to do is let the lipstick rest overnight in the refrigerator – and your homemade beauty care product is ready! To make the lipstick easier to apply the next morning, let it warm up for a while at room temperature.

Tips and tricks

Use the color pigments of a leftover eye shadow to color your lipstick. For this, it is important that you use a mineral eye shadow, as this counts as natural cosmetics. Scrape off the color pigments and mix them thoroughly in the base ingredients.

In the same way, an old lipstick (use certified natural cosmetics; not older than two years) is suitable to add color to your lip care. To do this, melt a piece of the lipstick and mix it into the other ingredients. If you do not use the lipstick for a long time, it is best to preserve it in the refrigerator.

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