How To Lose Belly Fat?

When the belly area rises above 80 cm in women and 94 cm in men, we can talk about excessive fat. This is caused by malnutrition, immobile life and genes. Unfortunately there is no magic diet pattern that melts the abdomen, waist, buttocks or basins. If a diet with this claim is recommended, there are commercial purposes.

No Regional Slimming Diet

Adhering to balanced nutrition principles, when we consume less than the body needs, the fats begin to dissolve. There is no special exercise program that only melts the belly, but there are a number of activities that we can do as a supplement.

When we do walking, swimming and similar sports, the body consumes calories and dissolves from the regions where the fat is intense.

Some women worry that they will suffer weight loss from other parts of their body. But they should not forget that the fat dissolves more in the dense region, while the fat loss is less in the lesser region.

Say Stop Sagging

If we reduce the fat only by walking, we may encounter sagging in this area. With regional exercises we can prevent sagging when we strengthen the muscle under fat tissue by exercising large muscle groups and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

You can also look here for more information about belly fat.

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