How to Grow Hair Faster – 5 Tips for Growing Longer Hair

Do you also wish for long, silky shiny hair? We tell you how the dream finally comes true. Here are five tips to make your hair grow faster.

“How to grow hair faster?” This is a question that most women will have asked themselves. After all, long, strong hair is the epitome of femininity and a real beauty ideal. Even those who had a short hairstyle and want longer hair again, wonder if or how to stimulate and accelerate hair growth.

While there is no miracle cure that makes hair grow 30 cm overnight, there are a few behavioral tips that can support hair growth.

How fast does hair grow?

Anyone who “grows” their hair quickly realizes: it takes time! On average, our head hair grows 1 to 1.5 centimeters per month. It’s not that easy to make hair grow faster, because hair growth (and its speed) is influenced exclusively by internal factors such as nutrition, hormone balance or predisposition. The good news is that you can influence some of these factors.

How to grow hair faster? Here are 5 tips that will bring you closer to your dream of a long mane!

Tip 1: Healthy diet for stronger hair

If the body is supplied with all important nutrients, so are the hair roots – and they produce resistant hair at maximum speed. Conversely, deficiencies have a negative effect on hair growth. Iron deficiency can even lead to hair loss. Those who pay attention to a healthy diet are therefore also doing their hair some good.

Some dietary supplements such as yeast or biotin are said to make hair grow faster. Zinc, vitamin B and iron are also said to play a role in hair growth.
André Nolden, a hairdresser from Düsseldorf, on the other hand, recommends that customers take silica. Its main component, silicic acid, is already naturally present in our hair and can support growth.

Tip 2: Care hair properly

Even the perfect care can not make the hair grow faster. But it ensures that the hair remains healthy and resistant. Two big enemies of beautiful, long hair are namely split ends and hair breakage. The long hair dream is shattered when the painstakingly grown centimeters fall victim to scissors because of hair damage. So if you mistreat your head with aggressive shampoos and the like, you’re not doing your hair and scalp any good.

Prevent this by washing your hair with an intensively nourishing shampoo, treating it once a week with a rich conditioner and occasionally pampering the lengths with a little hair oil. As often as possible, avoid strenuous heat styling with a hairdryer or straightener.

Tip 3: Have it cut more often

Sounds paradoxical, but a visit to the hairdresser every three months is a must if you want your hair to grow nice and long. After all, a regular cut slows down split ends or prevents them from moving further up from the tips.

André Nolden knows that many women avoid regular tip cutting because they fear they will never get long hair that way. “But in three months, the hair has grown by three to four centimeters. If you part with an inch then, you’ll keep your tips healthy and still gain two to three inches in length.”

At the hairdresser’s, make sure not to cut with blunt scissors or with a knife, as both promote split ends.

Tip 4: Massage the head more often

A well-supplied hair root is the prerequisite for healthy, long hair. Because the blood transports nutrients there, anything that stimulates blood flow to the scalp is also good for hair growth.

Berlin trend hairdresser Viktor Leske advises customers who want their hair to grow faster to have daily head massages: “A nourishing massage with argan oil reduces stress, nourishes the hair and prevents dandruff, which can also negatively affect hair growth.”

A daily brush massage has a similar effect. A model that combines rounded plastic bristles with bristles made of natural hair is well suited for this.

Tip 5: Avoid stress – so the hair grows faster!

Like our skin, hair is also a mirror of our soul. A constantly too high level of stress hormones in the blood is harmful for hair growth and can even lead to hair loss. Brittle, thin hair can also be the result of long-lasting psychological problems. Those who regularly do something good for themselves and their psyche also help their hair to grow healthily and quickly.

If you still can’t grow your hair fast enough, you can always use extensions. The strands of natural or synthetic hair make long hair dreams come true in just a few hours.

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