How to Get Rid of Cellulite: 10 Tips from Dermatologists

Cellulite is one of the skin problems that women cannot get rid of. There are a few simple methods to eliminate cellulite. Here are 10 steps to get rid of cellulite according to dermatologists.

Cellulite is one of the biggest skin problems of women in daily life. It is necessary to take precautions for cellulite, which bothers women a lot, especially in summer. This problem can be prevented with healthy foods and an active life.

How to Get Eid of Cellulite


Sugar and sugar-containing foods are harmful to health. Women who want to stay away from problems such as cellulite can start the fight by avoiding sugar. It doesn’t matter if it’s brown, white, honey or molasses. Too much of it increases the amount of fat in the legs and reduces circulation, causing cellulite. The worst in the sugar group is liquid sugary drinks such as cola, soda, fruit juice, syrupy drinks or chocolate spreads with creamy consistency.

In order to get rid of cellulite, sugar and sugar-containing foods should be detoxed as soon as possible and these should be reduced to zero or minimum. Fruit consumption is important, but it should not exceed 2-3 servings.

White flour and rice

White flour foods such as white bread, pastry and cake should be avoided.

It is possible to deal with cellulite. Especially women should reduce white rice as much as possible and replace it with healthy carbohydrates. Whole-grain breads such as whole rye, whole wheat, oats, bulgur, buckwheat, quinoa, legumes. White sugar and bakery products should be avoided.

Fry and high fat food

Vegetables and meat are not fried; It should be preferred as grilled, baked or boiled. Avoid oily sauces as much as possible. It fulfills its oil need with healthy oils such as raw almonds, peanuts and walnuts. These should be given importance.

Remember the negative effect of alcohol!

There is one more point. It’s alcohol too. Again, this is one of our enemies that needs to be reduced to zero or minimum. If we distance ourselves from alcoholic beverages, we can fight cellulite effectively.

Exercise is a must!

It is necessary to focus on exercises that will tighten the upper legs and hips, which are the areas where cellulite is most common. Incredible results will be obtained when you combine firming exercises such as Pilates and yoga with cardio exercises such as brisk walking – swimming and continue regularly.

Don’t believe the coffee legend!

Coffee does not cause cellulite. Cream, sugar, syrups and coffee whiteners in coffee cause cellulite. According to dermatologists, there is no harm in filter coffee with plain or low milk.

Don’t waste the coffee grounds

Don’t waste the coffee grounds either. You can do coffee cellulite peeling with this once or twice a week. Caffeine is used in firming and cellulite creams on the market.

Increase circulation!

With the increase in the fat ratio, the speed and quality of blood circulation in that area deteriorates. To correct this, regular support should be sought from scrub, dry brush, peeling and cellulite massages. It would be appropriate to use real seaweed soap instead of seaweed masks or shower gel. Again, with regular use, accelerated circulation will contribute to obtaining great results.

10 Effective Foods Against Cellulite

  • Asparagus, White-Black Cabbage: It is one of the vegetables that should be frequently included in the tables due to its anti-edema and toxin-removal content.
  • Celery: With the help of a substance in its content, it prevents the contraction of blood vessels and provides relaxation of circulation.
  • Ginger: It relaxes circulation thanks to its blood thinning function. You can consume thinly sliced ​​fresh ginger by adding it to green tea or any herbal tea you desire.
  • Pineapple: Thanks to the bromelain enzyme in its content, it breaks down the degraded collagen tissue surrounding the fat cells and thus prevents the storage of fat. Due to its edema-reducing effect, pineapple is one of the foods that should definitely be on the table in the fight against cellulite. Because of the fructose (fruit sugar) it contains, consuming a finger-thick slice of pineapple as a fruit replacement is beneficial for portion control.
  • Green Tea: The catechin in its content increases fat burning. If there are no accompanying health problems, you can drink up to four cups of green tea a day.
  • Tomato: Tomato, which contains vitamins A and C, folate, potassium and lycopene, is a powerful antioxidant that plays an important role in cell regeneration. Drinking fresh tomato juice for snacks and consuming tomatoes in salads play an important role in eliminating cellulite.
  • Soy: Soy mimics the role of estrogen, which causes the breakdown of collagen with its phytoestrogen content. However, since it is not actually estrogen, it does not bind to receptors and prevents the destruction of collagen. Especially for lunch and dinner, you can consume soy patties, soybeans or soy milk.
  • Parsley-Broccoli-Orange: Vitamin C, which is a very strong antioxidant and is involved in the production of collagen, strengthens the connective tissue. For this reason, you should definitely include foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli, parsley, kiwi, orange-tangerine, green pepper and cauliflower in your meals.
  • Salmon: Salmon, which is the strongest source of Omega-3, should be consumed at least once a week with portion control, since Omega-3 fatty acid contributes to the relaxation of blood flow and circulation by expanding the vessels.
  • Flaxseed: Flaxseed, which is an oily seed rich in omega-3, should be consumed with one or two dessert spoons added to yogurt, cacık or salad due to its beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Mesotherapy and Cellulite Creams


Cellulite mesotherapy; It can improve the appearance of cellulite by improving microcirculation, that is, blood circulation, reducing the formation of edema in the tissue, restructuring the connective tissue, breaking down the fat and shrinking the fat tissue. Mesotherapy can be applied in 10-12 sessions, at intervals of 1 week – 10 days. It may take up to 6 months to get the best results.

Cellulite creams

It has been scientifically shown that some cream and lotion ingredients can help alleviate the appearance of cellulite. For example, caffeinated creams can help alleviate the appearance of cellulite by reducing edema and tightening the skin.

Retinol creams can also be effective by thickening the skin. However, such creams must be used regularly in order to be effective. It is also beneficial to use them under expert control.

Before using the creams, it should be tried on a small area in terms of allergy development. Applying daily massage with cellulite creams can also alleviate the appearance of cellulite by increasing blood flow, reducing edema and improving lymph circulation.

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