How to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is the bad gift of the female hormone estrogen to women! But do not worry, it is possible to get rid of cellulite.

Many factors such as stress, what we eat, drink, rapid weight gain and inactivity can cause cellulite formation and is a common problem for almost all adult women. Let’s go together, why does cellulite occur, how can we prevent its formation or how can we get rid of cellulite that we think is our destiny? Let’s take a closer look at all these issues!

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin disease that looks like a portal shell with indentations and protrusions in the epidermis, that is, in the first layer of our skin. Yes, our biggest complaint about him is that he is also a disease, even though he looks bad. The factors that trigger cellulite are genetic structure, hormonal structure and lifestyle. With this infection that spreads to the skin, women are mostly in trouble because men have less estrogen hormone levels.

Cellulite settles in our body in 3 stages

Stage 1

It’s not visible from the outside, but it’s visible when the skin is groped by hand (it’s time to block it out)

Stage 2

It’s barely visible if you look carefully, it’s not very noticeable, so it’s not even visible under some lights (it’s still at this stage that something can still be done to destroy it)

Stage 3

It is visible and sometimes it can cause pain (treatment and surgery may be required at this stage) although we do not understand that it is caused by it.

Does cellulite cause leg pain?

Yes, as we mentioned above, it is a disease and most of us do not know that our leg pain is caused by cellulite. Cellulite tissue can cause pain of varying severity with the pressure it exerts on the nerves. Another reason for these pains is that the blood circulation in the nerve cells stops and these cells do not fill with blood and oxygen as needed. But fear not, it is possible to treat!

How is cellulite treatment, what is cellulite surgery?

Yes, of course it is possible to get rid of cellulite! The two most effective methods are Mesotherapy and liposuction. It is possible to get rid of even cellulite in the 3rd stage by having mesotherapy and liposuction.

With the help of mesotherapy needles and injectors, the fat cells break down and make them usable by the cells, so that the blood circulation is reactivated in that area and the lipolysis mechanism becomes operational again. In liposuction, on the other hand, the fats are withdrawn with the help of a syringe, that is, it is the same for weight loss. Various treatments such as ozone therapy, laser, acupuncture, pressure therapy, lipoelectrode are also possible. The common goal of all these treatments is to break up the fat cells and reactivate the blood and lymph circulation in the problematic areas.

How to get rid of cellulite naturally?

You can naturally reduce its appearance and even get rid of cellulite completely! Drink plenty of water for both cellulite and the toxins that trigger it, and consume vegetables with plenty of water, such as cucumbers and green vegetables.

Dry brushing is one of the natural and effective methods, it helps the circulatory system in the epidermis by increasing blood circulation. Hot pepper, yes you heard it right, hot pepper increases blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, thus helping you lose weight. Hot pepper is one of the most effective foods for burning fat. With cellulite cream and cellulite oil, you can get rid of cellulite and get a tighter and more vibrant appearance on your skin.

What we should pay attention to in creams; The presence of ingredients that will provide a healthy circulation system in the first layer of the skin, such as anti-inflammatory, circulation-enhancing adipolitics, that is, fat cell disintegrant, collagen enhancer. As for oils, we should choose oils that are effective in detoxifying. E.g; Juniper oil and tangerine oil will tighten your skin and give it a healthy appearance by reducing the accumulation of fluid in the tissues with the detox effect. You should definitely try these two natural methods with seaweed and coffee grounds, which you can easily find, at home. Massage the mixture you prepared with seaweed, rock salt and a little olive oil and apply it to your problem areas once a week.

You can get a very healthy look by massaging three times a week with this mixture you have prepared with coffee grounds, coconut oil and honey.

What is the cellulite diet?

In fact, you are following this diet by adding foods that break down fat and ensure that they are eliminated from the body along with toxins, and by keeping away from foods and drinks that cause excess fat formation and toxins from your life. Because when we look at the sample diets, the content of all of them includes this method. Foods such as parsley, orange, broccoli, cocoa, salmon, banana, green tea are the main nutrients of these diets.

Moreover, you can prepare a beverage that you will enjoy with cocoa and skimmed milk, many of which you will consume with pleasure. As we all know, foods and drinks that we should stay away from are refined sugar, alcohol, trans fats, high amounts of animal protein.

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