How to Find The Best Nail Shape for Your Hands

Another care element that needs attention as much as your skin or make-up is your hands. Just as you determine the most suitable make-up style and products for your face and try to make your makeup perfect; you need to make the same effort for your nails. Yes, we admit it: You have to spend some time for well-groomed and beautiful hands!

Different Nail Models

It is possible to shape your nails into a thousand shapes with one nail file. Whether you want to stay on trend, don’t give up on the classic, or design an extraordinary nail model for a special party; In any case, you should try to do the shaping process carefully to draw attention to yourself with your hands. Nails that are poorly filed, look different from each other or that reveal all the flaws when nail polish is applied can upset your mood. If you pay attention to a few important points, you too can have perfect nails. So, let’s take a look at different nail shaping methods together…

If you can apply the blunt form properly, you can complete this style with a bright and vibrant nail polish.

Young and Modern: Blunt Nails

If you have short or medium nails; you can file them bluntly and switch to a modern look in no time. Those who prefer this type of nail model are mostly women who adopt a sporty, modern and simple style. However, not only your style, but also your finger structure is important. If you have tiny and delicate hands, blunt nails will not suit you well. If you have thin or medium-thick but long fingers and a larger-than-average hand, you may be able to handle blunt nails better. Although it is not an original and new style, it is sure to be a practical and useful nail model for you in daily life, especially if you work long hours at the computer.

So, how can you have blunt nails? First, cut your nails squarely. Right after that, file it by straightening it and without breaking that square form. You have to be careful when filing the corners, if you tend to round them while making the transitions, the blunt look will instantly spoil. You may need to trim your nail a little more to fix it, which may prevent you from creating the pattern you want.

Elegant Hands: Almond Nails

If you want your hands to look longer than they are, you are in the right place. However, this is the model where you will put the most effort to make all the nails look elegant and exemplary as they should be. First of all, you should extend your nails for an ideal almond nail image. You will need some patience for this. When your nails become the longest without breaking, you are ready for the application. If the natural structure of your nails is long, this model will suit you very well.

But don’t worry, even if you’ve had short fingers and bluntly filed nails for years, your hands will look long and elegant when you switch to the almond nail model. Only the second option will take some time to achieve the ideal look, so be aware! With this model, which is extremely easy to use, there is almost no chance of your nails breaking. Since it has no corners, it grows extremely healthy and you don’t have to worry about your nail care as long as you continue to give the right form. To have almond nails, you should file your nails, which you have grown long enough, so that the edges are well inside. After smoothing the edges and giving it a long look, round the ends by slightly tapering them. If you make the final touch with a nice fire red nail polish, your hands will mark that day. You can even create a nice base for nail art applications.

As your oval-style nails get longer, you can always have well-groomed hands by checking them frequently to maintain their appearance.

Feminine Style: Oval Nails

Suitable for all hand and finger types, oval nails are perfect for women who want a nostalgic look. However, if you have bulky hands and this bothers you, you should go for oval nails without considering any other options. It is also extremely simple to apply this model, which will make your hands look much more elegant than they are. It is possible to give an oval form by filing directly in a round shape without extending the corners of your nails.

The biggest advantage of this model is that you can apply it whenever you feel like it. As with many other models, you do not need to grow your nails and wait patiently. Even if your nails are cut short, you can start by filing them oval. Oval nails, just like blunt nails, show nude colors and especially pink tones very well. You can even have great looking hands with rings or hand accessories that you can complete with the retro style.

About Your Nail Care

Of course, it is not enough to learn the most preferred nail models and which one suits your hand and finger type better. You should also pay attention to some details so that your nails always look the same attractive.

  • Even if you get professional support for your nail care, you should always have a nail file at home. You can make small touch-ups on your nails with nail file models with different features.
  • To turn your blunt nail shape into an oval or almond nail model, you need to lengthen it. However, if you need more than patience for this, you can use nail care products.
  • Nail care is just as important as your hand care. Nourishing oils, polishes and nail hardening creams produced for special purposes should always be at hand. Remember, nails can lose their form very quickly because they grow fast. You should always keep an eye on them!
  • No matter what you do, if you can’t have long nails and watch them break on every occasion, stick to nail polishes that make your nails look long. Pastel tones that integrate with the skin will work for you.
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