How to Clean Vinyl Floors: Instructions and Tips

Here you can find out how to clean a vinyl floor. We also have practical tips and care instructions for you!

Vinyl flooring is resistant and easy to care for, making it particularly popular with families. The flooring is also easy to clean – just a few points you need to keep in mind …

Vinyl floor: You need to know

Vinyl floors are water-repellent and resistant to oils, alkalis, acids or alcohol. Nevertheless, you should be careful when choosing the cleaning agent for a vinyl floor.

The following agents are suitable for cleaning a vinyl floor:

  • Special vinyl cleaning agent
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Vinegar
  • Neutral cleaners
  • Soft soap

Should not be used:

  • Scouring milk
  • Scouring powder
  • Ammonia-based or solvent-based cleaner
  • Fabric softener

Cleaning vinyl floor: Here’s how it works

  1. First, stones, sand and dirt are removed from the floor. A vacuum cleaner or broom is suitable for this. Otherwise, these deposits could cause scratches on the floor and make the vinyl floor look dull. Dry cleaning should be done regularly. Especially in the case of dust deposits or fine sand, the vacuum cleaner handle (preferably with a brush attachment) can quickly give the floor a clean face again.
  2. If necessary (every one to two weeks) the vinyl floor is cleaned with a damp cloth. Use one of the cleaning agents listed above and dilute it with fresh water (follow manufacturer’s instructions).
  3. The floor is now wiped damp (not wet!) with a wrung out mop. It is advisable to have a second bucket of pure water ready to rinse the mop in each case.
  4. Then wipe again with clear water.
  5. After cleaning, the vinyl floor is wiped with a dry cloth, so you can remove accumulated water and avoid swelling.

Tip: Ensure sufficient room ventilation during cleaning!

Removing coarse stains

Always remove stains on the vinyl floor as quickly as possible! For this purpose, undiluted cleaner can be applied to the respective area with a cloth (test cleaning agent beforehand on an inconspicuous area). If necessary, the use of a sponge (not the rough side) or a soft brush can be useful for a structured vinyl floor. After a short period of contact, wipe the floor with a damp cloth and wipe the area with clear water.

First care after laying the floor

Freshly laid vinyl flooring should first receive a basic cleaning and initial care:

  1. This includes first removing coarse dirt with a broom or vacuum cleaner and then wiping the floor damp with a special vinyl cleaner or all-purpose cleaner and water (follow manufacturer’s instructions).
  2. Then wipe the floor with clear water.
  3. Depending on the manufacturer’s instructions, an initial treatment must be applied to the floor after basic cleaning to provide the floor with surface protection. Special care products are available for this purpose, which are applied in two stages. However, some floor coverings already have special surface protection from the manufacturer, so that initial care is not necessary.

Note: If the floor has become dull after some time, a new initial care should be carried out.

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