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Weight Loss
5 Things That Slim Women Do Differently When Eating
How do some women manage to stay slim? We'll show you five things that make them different when they eat.
1. Water instead of soft drinks
Slim women…
10 Ways to Lose Weight for Lazy People
Being lazy makes you slim. A statement that sounds too good to be true. For all couch potatoes who want to lose weight, we have the perfect tips on the way to…
Acupressure Points for Weight Loss: How It Works
If you want to lose weight, you should deal with the craft of acupressure. It helps to effectively curb hunger.
Losing weight with acupressure - Is that…
5 Mini Tips That will Help You Lose Weight in The Long Term
Sometimes it is only small things that need to be changed to lose weight permanently. We give you 5 mini tips to reach your desired weight.
1. Use the…
6 Kinds of Tea That Help Us Lose Weight
We know several healthy foods that help us lose weight. But what about drinks? With these teas, the pounds will drop!
1. Mate tea
Everyone knows mate tea…
The 5 Most Frequent Mistakes During Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is very trendy - but not everyone can lose weight. Why is that? One of the following mistakes could be to blame!
You Should Never Try These 6 Diets
In the abundance of diets you can choose the wrong one. Of these 6 weight loss methods, you should better keep your hands off!
Cabbage soup diet
With the…
Great Change: She Lost 77 Kilos and Her Face Has Halved
Kaylee once weighed 220 kilos. But then the doctors warned her that her life was at stake. Now she has declared war on the kilos and you can see that especially…
Can I Lose Weight Through Vegan Nutrition without Hunger?
Many people have been able to lose weight by switching to a vegan diet. But why does that work? Researchers have now found an answer.
Atilla Hildmann…
The Cabbage Soup Diet: Lose Weight Quickly with The Miracle Soup
5 kilos in just 7 days is the promise of the cabbage soup diet, one of the oldest crash diets. Can that be healthy? And do I really eat only cabbage soup for a…